Fifth of primary pupils find lessons too easy


Richard Garner
Tuesday 06 September 2011 00:00 BST

Gifted children are finding the national curriculum too easy, according to a major study published today.

A survey of more than 8,000 children found more than half disagreed with the statement lessons were too difficult – with one in five registering strong disapproval of the suggestion.

Researchers, who will be publishing their evidence at the British Educational Research Association annual conference tomorrow, say children are finding lessons too easy.

An analysis of the replies showed high-achieving children were more likely to feel they were not being stretched. Professor Philippa Cordingley, director of the project, said the findings indicated "a small but significant proportion of learners are not being challenged sufficiently".

Among primary school children, 20 per cent of eight to 11-year-olds found lessons too easy. In the secondary sector, the figure was 16 per cent.

The study also found older children were less resilient in solving problems. At primary school, 32 per cent said they never gave up on a problem, whereas this fell off to 18 per cent at secondary school.

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