Business Diary: Turner hones his CV for Bank job

Wednesday 16 March 2011 01:00 GMT

Adair Turner will be a busy Lord over the next couple of days. Tonight in a speech at Cass Business School, the chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is tackling the thorny issue of banks that are too big to fail and other challenges for financial stability. Tomorrow is his big set-piece event of the year, in which he sets out the FSA's views on macro-economic and financial trends. Come to think of it, these are just the mix of credentials you would need to become the next Bank of England Governor when Mervyn King steps down in 2013. The two-year job application starts here.

Regeneration deluxe-style

Kent County Council is nottaking lightly Pfizer's controversial plan to shut a factory down in the area. Yesterday it launched a comprehensive action plan for regenerating the site in question, which iscertainly not lacking in ambition. It wants the Government to designate the area as a research, information andtechnology zone – or 'Ritz' for short. Five-star facilities all round?

Banker gets his comeuppance

The Deutsche Bank employee who taunted protesting NHS workers by brandishing bank notes as they walked past his office thought he was being funny. The joke may end up being on him, however. After a photographer took a snap of his guffawing mug, Deutsche has suspended him. The young man in question also appears to be a couple of bonuses short of an investment bank. He apparently kept shouting "Get a Job" at nurses – who are obviously very much employed – because he didn't understand what they were protesting about.

Lockheed under attack again

It looks like there's more trouble ahead for the US defence company Lockheed Martin, which has raised hackles in some quarters of Britain with its association with the 2011census. It has an information technology subsidiary which specialises in this sort of data processing and has won the contract for the big count. On Friday, arms-trade campaigners will target the company's computer system with a blitz of emails designed to cause it to grind to a halt.

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