Millennials will go to extreme lengths for celebrity fame including disowning their family, finds social media report

Doctor, Lawyer or YouTube star?

Sarah Young
Thursday 26 January 2017 13:26 GMT
Millennial’s aspirations have shifted towards money, fame and image
Millennial’s aspirations have shifted towards money, fame and image (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Fame seeking is nothing new, but according to a recent study, millennials are willing to go to extreme lengths to become a celebrity.

If you were to ask a millennial - someone born between the mid-80s and mid-90s - which career choice they’d prefer out of, let’s say, a doctor, lawyer or YouTube star, chances are they’re more likely to want to peddle teeth whitening on Instagram than become a cardiologist.

But, as a generation raised on reality TV and Youtube stars, is this really that surprising?

Perhaps not, but a report published by social media network Clapit did reveal some shocking statistics on what youngsters are prepared to give up in order to become a household name.

While the knowledge that more than a quarter of millennials would quit their day jobs doesn’t come as too much of a surprise (considering stars like Zoella are rumoured to pocket £50,000 a month) the fact that one out of 12 would disown their family is disturbing.

Similarly, the research also found that one out of 10 millennials would sacrifice their education for fame, while one in nine would give up marriage and the prospect of having children.

“There’s no doubt that social media is making fame more desirable than ever before for today’s generation,” Mary Jane Bulseco, co-founder of Clapit, said in the report.

“Social media platforms have democratised the talent discovery process, allowing for people of all ages and talents to share their work with the world.

No longer do celebrities solely live on stages and movie screens, but they are born in their homes and are accessible to us in ours.”

Other key findings the study revealed included that about 20 per cent of millennials would rather be a celebrity than a lawyer, and about 23 per cent would rather be famous than a doctor.

One in 14 would also be willing to break up with his/her significant other.

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