The best men's haircut for every face shape

Samantha Lee
Sunday 29 October 2017 12:03 GMT
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

Every man has, at one point or another, sat down in the barber's chair and been asked, "What'll it be today?"

We have a recommendation: instead of just saying "the same as last time" or "the usual," take into account your face shape for a brand-new hairstyle. Some styles look better or worse based on your face shape, and this infographic -- based on the one our friends at Men's Hairstyles Today put together -- will help you pick the best.

See what popular haircut you should really be getting, based on the shape of your face.

Oblong: face is longer than it is wide

(Samantha Lee/Business Insider
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider (Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

Short haircuts are best for an oblong or rectangular face.

Be careful with a bushy beard, however, as that could make your face look even bigger.

Oval: narrow, with no sharp edges

(Samantha Lee/Business Insider
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider (Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

Luckily, most hairstyles will look good with an oval face shape.

A word of caution: avoid bangs or fringes that could cover your forehead and make your head appear even rounder than it already is.

Diamond: strong jaw and angular cheek bones

(Samantha Lee/Business Insider
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider (Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

The best-case scenario here is to pair a beard with a fringed haircut like a faux hawk or textured crop.

Round: face is equal in length and width

(Samantha Lee/Business Insider
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider (Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

Round faces could use some definition to make them appear longer.

Because of that, you may consider a cut that is shorter on the sides and taller on the top, which would give a round face balance.

Square: angular and prominent

(Samantha Lee/Business Insider
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider (Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

Square faces have lots of sharp angles and, often, a masculine look.

They're similar to round faces in that they're best softened with a cut that's taller on the top. But square-faced men also have the option of going for a really short haircut that will balance out with their naturally round head.

Triangle: prominent jaw, which is wider than the cheekbones

(Samantha Lee/Business Insider
(Samantha Lee/Business Insider (Samantha Lee/Business Insider)

A triangular face has a prominent jaw that is wider than the cheekbones.

Men with this shape are better off clean-shaven and with medium-length hair.

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