Jose Mourinho explains his new shaved hair look

Tottenham Hotspur manager says barber ‘did a bad job’

Sabrina Barr
Saturday 15 February 2020 17:02 GMT
Jose Mourinho says his 'barber was bad' when commenting on new hair look

Jose Mourinho has addressed his new shaved hair look, stating that the short hairstyle was the result of a barber who “did a bad job”.

Earlier this month, photographs emerged online of Mourinho sporting a hairstyle significantly shorter than typical for the Tottenham Hotspur manager.

Several social media users expressed their surprise over Mourinho’s transformation, with some comparing his look to that of Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola.

On Friday 14 February, Mourinho took part in an interview with BBC Sports, during which he was questioned about the commotion his haircut caused.

When asked why he decided to have his head shaved, the 57-year-old spoke critically of his barber.

“The reason behind the haircut is that the barber was bad, and he did a bad job,” Mourinho said.

“So when I looked [at] myself in the mirror, I told him, ‘Come on, bring the one and shave it.’”

Mourinho added that while it may “take a little long” for his hair to grow back to its usual length, “it will come back to normality”.

During an interview with Sky Sports, the former footballer explained that he fell asleep while in the barber’s chair, which is why he was not aware of the extent of his short haircut until it was too late.

“I fell asleep and when I woke up it was so bad that I said to him ‘bring the one’. Hopefully, it will grow back again,” he stated.

On Saturday, Mourinho commented on whether he believes Spurs player Dele Alli should receive a ban for mocking coronavirus in a video shared on Snapchat earlier this week.

In the video, which was swiftly deleted, Alli joked about the virus outbreak and appeared to make fun of an Asian man in an airport. The footballer has since issued an apology.

“I feel that would be unnecessary, but I am nobody,” Mourinho said with regards to Alli's potential ban. “In relation to these decisions, I am nobody.”

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