One in four British people avoid exercise at all costs, study finds

Walking is most popular way to work out, followed by jogging and cycling 

Grant Bailey
Thursday 21 June 2018 13:01 BST
Only one in six British people regularly attend an exercise class, according to the study
Only one in six British people regularly attend an exercise class, according to the study (Getty Images)

Almost one in four British people never exercise, a study has found.

In a poll of 2,000 adults, 23 per cent admitted that they do their best to avoid exercise at all costs.

Of the 77 per cent who do exercise, 16 per cent only work out once a week.

Walking is the exercise that British people are most likely to engage in, followed by jogging and cycling.

The study also found that one in six regularly attend an exercise class, and a third play a sport as a member of a local team.

It also emerged that one in four would consider keeping fit and staying in shape to be one of their "main interests" in life.

Mike McKevitt, head of patient services at the British Lung Foundation, which commissioned the study to raise awareness of the lack of access to tailored lung exercise classes around the country, said: “Our research highlights a variety of different types of exercise people can take to improve their fitness.

''There literally is something for everyone, unless you have a lung condition.

“Access to lung exercise classes across the UK is patchy. Often people are left waiting months to start a course, which is unacceptable.

“A national plan to transform care and treatment for people with lung disease could change this.

''Our research found that only 18 per cent of Brits are familiar with pulmonary rehabilitation (specialised exercise for people with a lung condition), so it’s essential to increase access and awareness of PR so people with a lung condition have the same opportunity to exercise and improve their health as others have.”

When asked about the reasons why they keep themselves fit and healthy, 27 per cent said the main benefit was to safeguard themselves from future illness.

One in five people exercise mainly to keep themselves looking their best, and 12 per cent like the feeling of strength it gives them.

British people are also using exercise to improve the symptoms of ongoing health concerns.

One in 10 said that their exercise helps them to deal with an existing illness or condition, and a third have used some form of exercise to help in their recovery from a previous injury.

Twelve per cent of those surveyed have been recommended a tailored exercise class to help them overcome an existing health condition from their GP.

Of the 23 per cent who do not exercise regularly, one in four felt that they would be encouraged to exercise more if they had more exercise facilities local to them.

One in two avoid exercise each week as they feel it may pose a danger to their health.

Professor Karen Middleton, chief executive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said: ”Pulmonary rehab can have a huge impact on quality of life, helping people to breathe easier and stay out of hospital.

“But at present, too many people are missing out because they do not get referred so we need get greater awareness of just how important it can be.

“Giving people better access to rehab is good for the individual and good for the system, as it cuts hospital admissions and reduces demand on other services. So making that a reality must be an urgent priority.”


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