Doritos Roulette: School warns parents not to give children crisps after pupil left struggling to breathe

The crisps are almost as hot as Scotch Bonnet peppers

Kashmira Gander
Friday 17 July 2015 07:32 BST
A school has banned Dorritos Roulette after a girl suffered breathing difficulties
A school has banned Dorritos Roulette after a girl suffered breathing difficulties (Wikimedia Commons/Comida Chatarra)

A school has warned parents against giving their children a new, spicy flavour of Doritos crisps, after a girl understood to have an existing respiratory problem ate one and was allegedly left struggling to breathe.

The brand boasts on its website that most crisps in Roulette packs are cheese flavour, but some are coated with a flavouring that “may bring you to tears”.

The intense snacks measure 78,000 on the Scoville Heat Scale just short of the 100,000 which Scotch Bonnet pepper ratings start at.

The high level of spice in the crisps left a 14-year-old girl short of breath, according to The Sun, and has prompted staff at George Pindar School in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, to caution parents against giving then to children.

The school said in a statement that it placed a “cautionary note” in its newsletter “after an incident with a student where they had experienced some difficulty breathing after eating one.

“The student had a pre-existing respiratory condition which clearly made them sensitive to the ‘hot’ element of the Doritos chip.”

The school added that while only one child had been affected, “given that this particular chip is not recommended for young children we felt we should draw this to the attention of our parents/carers.”

A Doritos spokesman told The Independent: “We were sorry to hear about what happened. We do warn people to expect a seriously spicy experience with Doritos Roulette and we make this clear on the pack and in our adverts.

"The front of the pack states “Warning: Some of these chips are ultra spicy”, while we also say that Doritos Roulette are not recommended for young children”.

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