Tesco launches smaller wine bottles inspired by health-conscious millennials

Young adults are drinking less than ever before

Olivia Petter
Monday 30 April 2018 11:07 BST

Tesco has released a range of smaller wine bottles in a bid to appeal to Brits who are reducing their alcohol consumption.

The new bottles come in two sizes: 50cl, which holds the equivalent to roughly four glasses of wine, and 37.5cl, which contains three.

The supermarket chain hopes that the new range will appease those who want to drink less without succumbing to finishing an entire 75cl bottle of wine, which is the average size.

(Tesco (Tesco)

The smaller bottles come at a convenient time, with Brits drinking less than ever before according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.

The rise of teetotalism is particularly prevalent in young adults, with more than a quarter (27 per cent) of 16 to 24-year-olds abstaining from alcohol completely.

This figure has risen substantially in the last decade, when 19 per cent of those in that same age group said they didn’t drink alcohol.

Meanwhile, one in five Brits of the broader adult population do not drink, with the proportion of adult drinkers at its lowest level since 2005.

(Tesco (Tesco)

Tesco’s Product Developer, Alexandra Runciman said: “We are currently seeing an increase in the number of shoppers wanting to enjoy a smaller amount of wine or a mid-week treat without having to purchase and potentially waste a full size bottle.

“Millennials in particular are generally more concerned about the quantity of alcohol that they drink and so we hope this new range will help them manage portion control.

“This new range of smaller wine bottles will also allow customers to cut down on waste by giving them the exact portions they want.”

The new range includes a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (£5.50 for 50cl) and a Rioja Reserva (£6.25 for 50cl) and will be available in up to 2,000 Tesco stores across the country and online.

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