Wines of the Week

Eight European white wines to celebrate Spring

For most, the new season means no more freezing weather, but for us tipple lovers, now is the time to start drinking an abundance of fresher white wines, writes Terry Kirby

Friday 19 March 2021 21:30 GMT
(The Independent)

Today, officially, it is spring, in the northern hemisphere at least. The Spring Equinox marks the point when the length of day and night is equal around the world. Next weekend, in the UK, the clocks go forward to mark the start of British Summer Time, which will mean lighter evenings and Easter are only a couple of weeks away. There are abundant daffodils in our parks and roadsides, there are green shoots on the trees and in our gardens and the birds are merrily singing and nest building. All this of course means we shall probably have a bout of cold weather and snow, which quite often hits around Easter. But this year, in particular, for all kinds of reasons, spring means new hope, new shoots of life returning in all kinds of ways. Soon.

But what this also means for wine lovers is that we can now think about turning to some lighter, fresher white wines, moving away from perhaps the weighty or oaky whites of winter, to accompany grills rather than casseroles and perhaps main course salads and fish and, when we get there in a few weeks time, the first glorious asparagus and other green vegetables. And because it’s a northern hemisphere column – in the southern hemisphere it is the start of autumn – we are sticking with European wines this week.

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