Man orders £3.20 bacon & egg roll from EAT, receives this misery sandwich

Tiny egg or huge roll?

Christopher Hooton
Thursday 02 July 2015 12:52 BST

Most can relate to the pain of spending between £2.95 and £3.95 on a soggy mess of bread and wet bacon posing as an artisanal panini in a mid-level food chain, but one EAT customer at Edinburgh Airport discovered a whole new low this week.

"This is what a £3.20 bacon and egg roll from Edinburgh Airport looks like," they wrote on Reddit, alongside a hideously hi-res photo of a post-mortem of the sandwich.

"I never asked for a refund as I figured it must just be overpriced sh*t cause it’s an airport," he added.

"The part that made it worse was that they told me to take a seat and they’d bring it over. The only empty table was clearly empty because it hadn’t been cleaned for what appeared to be weeks and then after 15 minutes I had to go back and ask where my roll was which they had totally forgotten about."

The egg and roll were so heinously disproportioned that the man could only laugh.

"As miffed as I was about the terrible service as soon as I opened it I burst out laughing as did my girlfriend because, well, look at it," he said. "It's so bad it's funny."

A spokesperson for Edinburgh Airport later told The Scotsman after the image went viral: "We work closely with all of our food and beverage providers to ensure we offer customers the best choice of refreshments and service.

"Sadly on this occasion we fell below the mark and offer our apologies to this customer. Clearly this is not the service we should be providing and we will be addressing this complaint with EAT."


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