The ultimate guide to spring-cleaning your wardrobe

Got your spring wishlist at the ready? You’re going to need to have a clearout first

Sarah Young
Thursday 26 January 2017 16:42 GMT
It’s time for a closet refresh
It’s time for a closet refresh (Getty/iStockphoto)

Spring might be a little way off yet, but as we begin to eye-up those new-season pieces the current state of our wardrobe comes into sharp focus. Call it superficial, or blame it on a serious lack of self-control, but in the midst of a bitter chill, oversized sweaters and warms coats have sent our wardrobes into overdrive.

Alas, with buying new spring pieces comes a harsh dose of reality. It’s time for a closet refresh – we all need to make some space.

The inevitable task of making room in your full-to-bursting wardrobe can be overwhelming, but the key here is to start early. That way, you’ll give yourself enough time to assess the pieces that you need to replace or invest in for the season ahead. There's no time like the present.

Often, a clearout results in tipping the contents of you wardrobe onto the floor, only to end up hoarding it all again. So it’s important to devise a plan.

Taking everything out will mean you have it all in sight and can begin to weed through your entire collection bit by bit. But this is where it gets difficult.

A spring-clean will give your wardrobe a much-needed overhaul
A spring-clean will give your wardrobe a much-needed overhaul (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Once it’s all in front of you, begin by sorting items into three piles – keep, stash and donate – and give yourself some boundaries.

If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you’re not going to wear it now. If you’re finding it hard to let go, let your experience dictate your actions. Still got the tag on six months down the line? It’s time to let it go.

Still struggling? Store ‘maybe’ pieces out of sight and after a while, cull all the pieces you haven’t worn since you packed them away.

When attempting a wardrobe overhaul it’s also really helpful to have a friend on hand. This will afford you a second, unbiased pair of eyes to prevent any unfortunate saves; that belly-baring crop top was never a good look and never will be.

Now you’ve made some room you can begin re-stocking, but before you go out and buy everything on your spring wishlist, take stock of what’s missing. If you start by separating your clothes into potential outfits, it'll be easier to identify items you need to invest in.

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