Coronavirus patients at increased risk of collapsed lung, study finds

Doctors are being warned to look out for the painful and dangerous condition, reports Tim Wyatt

Thursday 10 September 2020 06:29 BST
Collapsed lungs are another dangerous complication caused by the Covid-19 virus
Collapsed lungs are another dangerous complication caused by the Covid-19 virus (Getty Images)

Coronavirus patients are at increased risk of a collapsed lung, with about one in 100 of those admitted to hospital suffering the complication, a new study has found.  

The condition, known as pneumothorax and also sometimes called a punctured lung, occurs when pockets of air get into the space between the lungs and the inside of the ribcage. This then puts pressure on the lungs and can prevent them from fully expanding.

Researchers in Cambridge examined medical records from 71 Covid-19 patients in Britain who experienced a collapsed lung.  

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