As much as we might love to be done with Boris Johnson, sadly he is not done with us

There is no doubting that he has his eye on a possible vacant leader-of-the-opposition slot in 18 months or so’s time. And who knows, he’ll probably get it, writes Tom Peck

Saturday 27 May 2023 14:52 BST
Would everything be better if we just ignored the man?
Would everything be better if we just ignored the man? (PA)

Boris Johnson likes to have a Big Week. In his first proper week as prime minister, he called the cameras in to Downing Street and then forgot to threaten to call an election. Then he kicked Ken Clarke and another 20 of his own MPs out of the party. Then his own brother resigned from the cabinet. And then he forced 40 junior police officers to stand in full sun behind him for so long that one of them fainted on live TV and the chief constable lodged a formal complaint.

That was considered a big deal at the time. Then, about six months later, he nearly died, came back to work, and announced he’d had a baby. (It was, in fact, an even bigger week than was realised at the time, for while he’d been in intensive care, Dominic Cummings had been in Barnard Castle.)

So how does this one compare? You wake up in Las Vegas to find out the police are investigating you, yet again – this time for yet more alleged illegal parties while you were prime minister, and another one at Chequers, so it’s definitely not just the No 10 press office getting a bit rowdy.

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