What it’s like to drive the most remote highway in the world

The Pamir Highway traverses the wild, lonely landscapes of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Megan Eaves drives it

Tuesday 31 December 2019 18:34 GMT
The road between Dushanbe and Khorog: the most remote highway in the world
The road between Dushanbe and Khorog: the most remote highway in the world (Photos Megan Eaves)

Bump, bump, bumpbumpbump.

Lurch, bounce.

My head bobs wildly, chin hitting chest and swaying from side to side, as I try to stay upright in the back seat of a Land Cruiser that’s going at speed over a gravel track, leaving behind a cloud of dust. I’m somewhere in the depths of Tajikistan, and outside my window, arid mountains rise into treeless peaks as we carve our way through a rough, brown, rocky canyon.

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