Inside Politics: Cabinet ministers to meet for crunch talks on energy security

Monday 28 March 2022 08:49 BST
(AFP via Getty Images)

It’s a new week, but old divisions between Downing Street’s top two are once again coming to the fore, with reports this morning that Rishi Sunak – still licking his wounds from his widely panned spring statement – continues to resist opening the Treasury cheque book to fund proposals within Boris Johnson’s energy security plan, which has once again been delayed. How to spend taxpayers’ cash is a constant bone of contention between the prime minister and chancellor and it seems that theme looks set to continue this week as senior cabinet ministers meet to discuss how to ensure Britain becomes less dependent on other states for its energy supply.

Inside the bubble

Commons action gets underway with defence questions at 2.30pm. After that is any urgent questions or statements. Later, MPs are scheduled to consider Lords amendments to first the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill and then the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. Chancellor Rishi Sunak is up at the Treasury select committee at 2.40pm.

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