Coronavirus: Sam Smith fans offer support and solidarity after self-isolation ‘meltdown’ pictures

‘Stay With Me’ singer had posted pictures of themselves in distress on Instagram

Louis Chilton
Friday 20 March 2020 12:12 GMT
Sam Smith says he will be mis-gendered 'till the day I die'

Sam Smith fans have expressed support for the “Stay with Me” singer as they begin self-isolation because of the coronavirus pandemic.

After suffering symptoms, Smith made the decision to self-isolate a few days ago “just to be safe”.

They then posted photos of themselves looking distressed on Instagram yesterday with the caption: “Stages of a quarantine meltdown.”

In the comments section underneath, the star was flooded with kind words and solidarity. One commenter told them: “Everything will be ok.”

Another wrote: “Take some time for yourself, you deserve it.”

On Twitter, more Smith fans offered their support.

“Sam Smith is allowed to have a ‘breakdown’ because they’re in self isolation,” wrote one Twitter user. “Isolating yourself f***s with your mental health.”

Another called them “stunning and brave” for sharing the images.

Smith has since been photographed leaving the house to get coffee, which many are taking as a sign that they are now doing better.

Other celebrities have already tested positive for the virus, including Tom Hanks, Idris Elba and Olga Kurylenko.

Coronavirus has meant that many of the world’s biggest festivals and musical tours have had to be cancelled or postponed.

You can keep up-to-date with other coronavirus-related news stories here.

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