Quiz of the year 2016: Round 2

Simon O'Hagan
Friday 16 December 2016 15:20 GMT
The BBC’s Western House was renamed this year – but to what?
The BBC’s Western House was renamed this year – but to what? (Flickr/RDVRS)


Of those who died in 2016...

21. Whose death was followed by a government declaration of a year-long period of official mourning?

22. Who played Thomas Newton in a celebrated 1976 movie?

23. Who was the subject of a life-size bronze statue outside his favourite Los Angeles bar?

24. And who is to be honoured with a statue in Library Gardens, Bury?

25. Who was said to be missed truly, madly deeply?

26. And who prompted numerous headlines that read, “And it’s goodnight from him”?

27. Who had a BBC radio building named after him?

28. Whose career path was destined after he was enraged by having his bike stolen at the age of 12?

29. Who was a celebrated musician who did not release his first album until he was 33?

30. And who was a celebrated musician who released 39 studio albums, four live albums and five compilation albums?

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21 Thailand’s King King Bhumibol Adulyadej; 22 David Bowie; 23 Lemmy of Motörhead; 24 Victoria Wood; 25 Alan Rickman; 26 Ronnie Corbett; 27 Terry Wogan; 28 Muhammad Ali; 29 Leonard Cohen; 30 Prince.

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