There is no point in Michael Gove’s new environment bill if it’s just EU-lite

Analysis: After the government’s long-awaited environment bill was rushed out, Josh Gabbatiss considers the potential shortcomings with this vision for a ‘green Brexit’

Thursday 20 December 2018 17:06 GMT
Michael Gove won’t be attending many dinner parties in the event of a no-deal Brexit
Michael Gove won’t be attending many dinner parties in the event of a no-deal Brexit (Getty)

On Wednesday, Michael Gove’s department released its new environment bill, a key part of the plastic-hating minister’s vision for a “green Brexit”.

Released towards the end of the day and with no fanfare, it was made public shortly after a riotous few hours of parliamentary theatrics following Jeremy Corbyn’s alleged “stupid woman” comment.

The timing seemed odd, especially given the bill’s much vaunted status as the first of its kind in two decades, and the chance for Gove to burnish his green credentials. Perhaps it was just the result of a busy department rattling everything out before the Christmas break.

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