Twin Peaks 2017 episode 5: How the ending ties in with Fire Walk With Me

How the location of a mysterious black box could link back to David Lynch's 1992 prequel film

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 05 June 2017 04:17 BST


David Lynch may have given us very little indication of what lies ahead with his great return to Twin Peaks, but he did say one thing: his 1992 prequel film Fire Walk With Me is key to understanding what's going on.

A hint that's becoming increasingly clear with each passing episode, specifically when it comes to the resurfacing of the name Phillip Jefrries.

Jeffries was an FBI Agent who disappeared over two decades ago in Buenos Aires, only to suddenly reappear two years later out of the elevator of the FBI headquarters in Philadelphia wearing the same clothes, ranting about unfamiliar events and a woman named Judy before vanishing once more.

He seems to have had some association with Cooper's evil doppelganger, with the revelation in episode 4 being that Jeffries had requested information concerning an agent in Colombia, claiming it was crucial to Cooper's safety. A week later, the agent in Colombia was killed.

Episode 5 now introduced a mysterious black box, located in none other than Buenos Aries, which seems a very strong indication that it has something to Jeffries and whatever occurred over the course of his disappearance. Especially considering there's a unkown woman attempting to communicate with it and who wants Dougie dead.

Presumably there'll be more answers to this down the line, though it won't be expected that Jeffries himself will appear since, in Fire Walk With Me, he was played by the late, great David Bowie. It was confirmed by actor Harry Goaz that Bowie was meant to have a cameo in the new season, with Lynch and co-creator Mark Frost presumably having to then write around his death.

Twin Peaks airs 2am on Mondays on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV with the Entertainment Pass, in a simulcast with the US. Twin Peaks airs 2am on Mondays on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV with the Entertainment Pass, in a simulcast with the US airing on Showtime. The episode will then be shown again at 9pm on the following day. You can catch up now on season one and two via Sky Box Sets and NOW TV.

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