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The Walking Dead’s Glenn death: Showrunner all but confirms that major character is dead

Character will likely only appear through flashback

Christopher Hooton
Monday 26 October 2015 11:19 GMT

The Walking Dead fans were stunned last night when major character Glenn Rhee had his entrails eaten by a zombie - not something one tends to recover from.

The moment was obviously going to be a major talking point on AMC sister show Talking Dead, and show runner Scott M. Gimple prepared a statement in preparation for this.

“I knew we should say something about it lest our silence say something we didn’t mean to say or not say,” he said in a message read out by host Chris Hardwick.

“So I’ll say this – In some way, we will see Glenn, some version of Glenn or parts of Glenn again, either in flashback or in the current story to help complete the story.”

It’s surprising that Gimple was so open about the Steven Yeun-portrayed character’s future (where was our Game of Thrones explainer on Jon Snow?) but the message isn’t good for Glenn fans.

Though it seems he will feature in the show again, the likelihood of it being through flashback suggests he has indeed shuffled off this mortal coil.

Glenn and Nicholas were trapped on top of a dumpster surrounded by Walkers in the episode, with Nicholas shooting himself in the head before both men fall into the mass of Walkers.

Though they were seen apparently feasting on Glenn’s guts, it has been posited that Nicholas’ corpse may have been covering Rhee however.

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