It looks like Netflix is finally getting an offline mode

But it might only work for Netflix originals

Christopher Hooton
Friday 14 October 2016 09:40 BST

Since saying that offline playback is “never going to happen” in 2014, Netflix has done a U-turn, or at least an L-turn, on the issue, with CEO Reed Hastings saying earlier this year that the company needs to “keep an open mind” about it.

Now it looks they’re actually developing download functionality for the app.

"We know from our sources within the industry that Netflix is going to launch this product," industry insider and Penthera COO Dan Taitz told Light Reading. "My expectation is that by the end of the year Netflix will be launching download-to-go as an option for their customers."

He’s not the only one to hear the rumour, with Frost & Sullivan Principal Analyst Dan Rayburn adding: "It's a natural progression for Netflix to want to have some of their content available for consumers to watch offline, and we've been hearing for months now that they are in fact going to roll something out soon.”

Netflix hasn't responded to claims it's working on the feature, which is thought to be restricted to Netflix originals.

An offline mode has been craved by users for a long time, as it would allow people to more easily watch shows on subway trains, planes and areas with bad signal or no Wi-Fi.

Netflix previously labelled it a ”short-term fix for a bigger problem,” but now it’s expanding into territories with uneven networks, it looks like it’s finally ready to give in.

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