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Love Island: Why did Sherif Lanre suddenly leave and 3 other talking points

All the latest from the ITV2 show as a contestant is unexpectedly thrown out  

Jacob Stolworthy
Tuesday 11 June 2019 22:30 BST
Love Island 2019: First awkward moment as none of the girls step forward for Sherif

Big drama rocked the Love Island villa following the shock departure of popular contestant Sherif Lanre.

Not that his exit affected the latest episode, the show's 14th of series five. In fact, the only allusion to his mystery eviction from the villa was a brief mention by the narrator.

Still, it was business as usual for the other islanders as Danny debated whether he wanted to move ahead with Yewande or Molly-Mae and Amber bruised Tommy's ego for the sake of mouthwash.

Viewers were also treated to the formation of not one but two relationships, though one such instance led to some friction between contestants.

Going by the preview for tomorrow night's episode, it seems there'll be repercussions.

Curtis and Amy, sitting in a tree

In news that will shock nobody, Curtis finally decided to make things official with Amy. Well, he eventually did after beating around the bush for what felt like an eternity. Instead of going the whole hog and asking her to be his girlfriend, though, he settled for the slightly underwhelming "half girlfriend" – not that Amy minded; it turns out she's been single her entire life and seemed somewhat hesitant to become fully official with the bloke she met just nine days ago.

Lucie and Joe, also sitting in a tree

The relationship fever was catching. Mere hours after Curtis revealed his news to the lads, Joe the sandwich boy snapped into action. Upon being sent on a watery date with Lucie, he decided to put their rocky start behind him and ask her to be his girlfriend too. This particular news wasn't to Curtis, or indeed Amy's, liking. "It's like they've stolen our thunder," the latter stated frostily from the garden as Joe and Lucie smooched away in the living area. The game is certainly on.

Amber really wanted that mouthwash

Tommy Fury felt the heat tonight after mustering up the courage to invite Amber to the terrace with him. The problem? Amber, who had a feeling Tommy was after something, was in need of some toothpaste and mouthwash. After a lengthy speech about thinking it was the perfect time to take things to the next level, Tommy went in for the kill – only for Amber to rebuff him. One quick swivel of Colgate later, though, and she was puckering up underneath the cosy snug and consoling Tommy's bruised ego in the process.

Bye Bye, Sherif

The nation watched on in hope that we'd discover why the hell Sherif was thrown out of the show. Rumours have been swirling on social media ever since news broke that the popular contestant had left the villa for breaking a rule earlier this afternoon, but frustratingly, the producers weren't ready to fill us in on what this could be. In fact, the only mention Sherif got tonight was after the third advert break when the narrator briefly mentioned his departure. He'd been edited out of the entire episode too. Quite where this leaves Anna, whom he was coupled up with, remains to be seen. For now, Shefi's departure remains a mystery.

Catch up along with all the action from the latest episode as it unfolded LIVE below.

Love Island continues nightly – bar Saturdays – at 9pm on ITV2.


Oh, he just tried to kiss her.


Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:28

*they are all

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:33

Big twist to the tale: Amber didn't kiss Michael because she wanted a little brush of her teeth beforehand, which is actually 100 per cent fair enough.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:34

Molly-Mae saying she fancies everyone is the Love Island equivalent of a hammer hitting a nail on the head.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:35

No, Amber, your Love Island experience literally started nine days ago.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:38

Curtis is asking Amy to be his girlfriend with a microphone wrapped dangerously around his neck.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:39

Oh, sorry: half girlfriend

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:39

Honestly, the last time such importance was placed on a single kiss was the bible.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:40

...and still no Sherif.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:41

Apologies for the technical difficulties! All we've missed is a very uneventful date with Joe and Lucie.

Jacob Stolworthy11 June 2019 21:57

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