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Love Island LIVE: Paul reveals he kissed Britney Spears in music video - and Laura is not happy

Read the latest from the Mallorca villa as the contestants search for love and try to evade sunburn

Jack Shepherd,Jacob Stolworthy
Friday 20 July 2018 21:58 BST
Love island: Sam and Georgia re couple

Another day, another step closer to the end of Love Island.

Last night's episode saw... well, not much happened following the shock departure of Georgia and Sam, the couple deciding to leave the villa together during Thursday's episode (she was loyal after all).

The hour of TV was dedicated to Jack and New Laura, who went on their first date after recoupling, while Paul made the shock reveal to Old Laura that he once kissed Britney Spears.

Her response? "Was she single." Paul went on to explain it was part of his job (he appears in music video fro 2016 single "Make Me" which you can take a gander at below), but Laura remained unimpressed.

Elsewhere, Dr Alex stepped it up a notch in proving to Alexandra that he shouldn't have called it off with her mere days ago

As always, The Independent live-blogged which you can catch up with below. Please allow a moment to load.

Love Island continues weekdays and Sunday on ITV2 at 9pm.


ITV, if you're gonna play It Must Be Love, play the Madness version or go away

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:12

A break, very good news

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:12

This is just making me want cake now - can someone bring me cake?

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:28

Laura and Jack just won the cake task - that's Jack and NEW Laura, in case you missed an episode

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:29

Yeah... that was not a number one tune

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:35

These lads love birds - I smell a spinoffffff

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:36

As in the flying kind

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:36

Did anyone else zone out during that date with Jack and Laura/ I preferred him with Laura (old Laura)

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:42

Sooo many Lauras

Jacob Stolworthy20 July 2018 21:42

And we have the showdown, Lady Alex and Laura having the most passive aggressive conversation in Love Island history all about Paul 

Lucy Anna Gray20 July 2018 21:49

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