Love Island bosses considering making LGBTQ version

'Absolutely we'd consider two series a year'

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 14 May 2018 08:44 BST
(Rex Features)

Love Island bosses have hinted an LGBTQ version of the show is a possibility but would have to be a separate, dedicated series.

When asked backstage at the BAFTA TV Awards whether fans would ever see same-sex couples on the series, producer Richard Cowles said (via Digital Spy): "We've had bisexual people in the show - for a dating show, you need everyone to fancy everyone, so if you have gay and heterosexual in the same place, they're not going to fancy each other."

"We'd have a dedicated show [for that]... absolutely we'd consider two series a year."

Cowles was joined by fellow producer Sarah Tyekiff, alongside last year's stars Chris Hughes and Marcel Sommerville, for the backstage conference, after the ITV2 show picked up Best Reality and Constructed Factual at the awards show.

As to whether there are any twists or changes to the format to be expected when the series returns in June, Cowles said: "We've always got things up our sleeves, but the show is written as it goes along."

"So everyone is reacting to what's happening on and then the format is being written as it happens... whatever we have planned, (they) get ripped up pretty much every hour as the cast goes in."

"Everything we predicted hasn't happened and whatever is happening is more exciting than we predicted. We just go for it."

One thing already revealed, however, is that the upcoming series will be Love Island's longest yet - a total of eight weeks. Caroline Flack will return to host the show, which does not yet have a release date but is expected at the start of the summer.

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