Game of Thrones season 7: Spoilerific photos reveal a huge Stark reunion could happen very soon

Potential spoilers ahead

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 12 October 2016 12:58 BST

Thanks to numerous pesky press photographers, numerous Game of Thrones cast members have been spotted in costume on set in Belfast.

First, the likes of Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Gwendoline Christie (Brienne), and Liam Cunningham (Davos) were all seen together. Then, an actor previously thought to be playing Sophie Turner’s (Sansa Stark) stunt double was also photographed with them, yet has since been identified as a completely new character.

Richard Rycroft, who played Maester Wolkan in seasons five and six, was later spotted on set, as was Bella Ramsey AKA the little Lord Lyanna Mormont.

While all the new photos are exciting fans around the world, it’s the latest crop that could reveal some serious potential spoilers. ** Yes, potential spoilers ahead **

Still here? Well, Arya actor Maisie Williams was spotted wearing a Northern outfit on the same day as the aforementioned photos of Ramsey were taken. Notably, the new photos reveal Williams sharing a make-up trailer with Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who plays Bran.

Watchers on the Wall, who spotted the photographs, speculate the pair could be filming something together in the near future, but cannot be sure. With Rasey, Williams, and Hempstead Wright wearing similar costumes, it seems very likely they’ll be in a scene together. Add in that Harrington was also on set that same afternoon… A Stark reunion perhaps?

Meanwhile, in more definite Game of Thrones news, two more British actors have joined the show’s already huge cast.

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