Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6: Did you spot the Longclaw sword eye Easter egg?

A very subtle but cool throwback

Christopher Hooton
Monday 21 August 2017 17:09 BST
Did you spot the Longclaw sword eye Easter egg?

What with all the wight bears, flame swords and ice javelins in Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6, 'Beyond the Wall', you can be forgiven for not spotting a blink-and-you'll-miss-it Easter egg near its finish.

When I say 'blink' I really mean that, as it was only visible for about 4 frames and centred around a tiny decorative eye detail on Jon's sword, Longclaw.

When Jon first sunk under the ice, we saw the wolf pommel on the sword's hilt with a glassy, open eye:

But then when he surfaced, this happened:

You're probably reading this on mobile, so here's a closer before-and-after look:

Yes, the wolf's eye appears to open.

I've watched the moment back several times and it doesn't seem to have been caused by a droplet of water or a reflection from Jon's glove or something behind the camera, instead, it looks like the little glint was added in post.

Update: My colleague has thrown cold water on this and is insisting the jewel runs all the way through the pommel and, as such, it is reflecting the glove. It is known.

Not only does it nod to how Jon seemed dead in the scene only to return from the brink once more, but it's likely also a callback to the previous episode.

When Jon responded to Drogon's intimidating roar by stroking the dragon, the pupils in its eyes widened, apparently as it sensed his Targaryen blood:

The moment was the icing on the cake of an episode laden with stunning VFX, that is, except for this pretty hilarious error.

Game of Thrones season 7 concludes on HBO, Sky Atlantic and through NOWTV on Sunday.

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