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Game of Thrones season 7 episode 3: Cersei devises show's cruellest torture method yet

A lifetime of psychological pain

Christopher Hooton
Monday 31 July 2017 01:57 BST
Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 4 Preview

Game of Thrones delights in coming up with new and disgusting ways to kill off characters but tonight's might contain its most macabre death yet.

*Episode 3 spoilers ahead*

Euron Greyjoy was given a hero's welcome in King's Landing tonight, handing over Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes as a gift to Cersei, the Dornish noblewomen responsible for killing her daughter Myrcella.

Cersei, of course, wanted to exact revenge on Ellaria, but did so with life rather than death.

The queen gave Ellaria's daughter Tyene a poisoned kiss, one that would cause her to die slowly over days, weeks or even months.

She then informed Ellaria that she would be kept alive, force fed if necessary, and would have no choice but to watch her daughter slowly die.

Not wanting to stop there, Cersei revealed the plan was then to continue keeping her alive, potentially indefinitely, so she could watch her daughter's body rot.

It was some next level villainry from the Lannister, who seems to grow colder and more nefarious with every season.

There were hints at her downfall in the episode however, with Olenna having some persuasive words for Jaime about his sister/lover ("she's a disease") that may haunt him.

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