Game of Thrones season 6 episode 8: With Lemoncloak now on the show, is Lady Stoneheart about to appear?

Is the Brotherhood Without Banners leader about to make her entrance onto the show?

Jack Shepherd
Tuesday 07 June 2016 11:11 BST
Cately Stark
Cately Stark (Helen Sloane/HBO)

** Spoilers for Game of Thrones season six episode seven **

This week’s episode of HBO’s flagship show was remarkable for a number of reasons, most notably the return of The Hound.

However, with his reappearance came the episode’s most painful scene; one which saw Ian McShane’s hung by the Brotherhood Without Banners, a religious group we saw back in season two and three.

As seen, three men from the group approached the peaceful group earlier in the episode, one of which is a relatively prominent character from the books: Lem ‘Lemoncloak’ (confirmed by Icelandic actor Jóhannes Haukur on Twitter).

In the books, Lem wore a yellow cloak (hence the Lemoncloak name) while his pre-Brotherhood history is barely touched upon. When the brotherhood stumbled upon Arya, he was one of the men to escort Arya Stark to the cult’s leader, Lord Beric Dondarrion, after having his nose broken by Arya.

Once there, Lem continued as a member of the Brotherhood, helping hang Petyr and Merrett Frey after the Red Wedding. Importantly, he remains a member of the Brotherhood after its infamous change in leader; following Lady Stoneheart's takes over.

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8 Preview

Who is Lady Stoneheart? She’s the reanimated corpse of Catelyn Stark, having been resurrected by Lord Beric Dondarrion who sacrifices his life for her. Unsurprisingly, Stoneheart isn’t happy, having watched someone murder her son, and is against anyone with any Lannister allegiance.

With the reintroduction of the Brotherhood Without Banners and Lem, some suspect this could be hinting at the introduction of Stoneheart to Game of Thrones.

Why would they slaughter all those ‘innocent’ people? If you think back to The Hound’s last interaction with the Brotherhood, he had just run off with Arya. Lem recognises The Hound in the episode, yet doesn’t hunt him down despite killing the rest of his group. Could Lady Stoneheart have issued the killings to lure The Hound out? All in order to find out where Arya is?

Even with mounting fan pressure to introduce Catelyn Stark’s reanimated corpse and the Brotherhood’s return, the chances are we won’t be seeing Michelle Fairley’s character anytime soon (mainly because it is just that little bit too far out). Then again, we have seen the return of Benjen and Jon Snow, so who knows? Even Ned’s been back in some capacity.

Meanwhile, the return of The Hound has fans very excited over the possibility of Cleganebowl, which you can read about here.

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