Game of Thrones season 6 episode 3 trailer: Will Ramsay Bolton suffer retribution in 'Oathbreaker'?

Are House Umber the allies Ramsay thinks they are?

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 03 May 2016 09:52 BST
Game of Thrones Season 6- Episode #3 Preview (HBO)

For several seasons now, Ramsay Bolton has been a nefarious bastard (quite literally) with complete impunity.

He’s turned Theon into a husk of a man, raped Sansa and, most recently, murdered his father Roose and infant brother.

He’s well overdue some sort of comeuppance, and in the next episode, ‘Oathbreaker’, we could see the beginning of it.

Let’s break down the scenes involving Ramsay in the teaser trailer, shot-by-shot:

Horses ride to Winterfell. Those are the flags of Umber, one of the houses - along with the Karstarks - Ramsay was convinced would stay loyal to the Boltons even if he murdered the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch Jon, as he’s planning to.

“Why have you come to Winterfell?” he asks the Umber rep.

“I’ve got a gift for you,” the visitor replies, but in a threatening rather than celebratory way, backing away as if to pick up something heavy.

We then cut to another man from House Umber stood behind Ramsay, apparently not to his knowledge.

I’m sure none of this amounts to Ramsay being attacked, then and there, in his own castle, but it doesn’t look good all the same.

Will the Umbers’ gift be a warning? A sign that they don’t believe the story that his father was poisoned by enemies? A threat that if Ramsay sends soldiers to the Wall, he can forget counting on them as allies?

Update: The 'gift' might be something good (at least for Ramsay) after all

We’ll find out on Sunday, when we’ll also learn the effect of Jon Snow’s resurrection on Melisandre.

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