Game of Thrones season 6: Daenerys actress Emilia Clarke says '50/50 chance' Jon Snow is alive

Kit Harington could be back next year after all or it might be wishful thinking

Jess Denham
Saturday 27 June 2015 11:59 BST

Emilia Clarke has raised the hopes of Game of Thrones fans everywhere by being the first cast member to suggest that Jon Snow may not be dead after all.

Fans of the hit fantasy series have been speculating about Kit Harington's much-loved character ever since the season five finale saw him brutally stabbed by the Night's Watch, despite Harington and the showrunners insisting that he will not be back next year.

But now, Clarke, who plays strong Iron Throne contender Daenerys Targaryen, has hinted that perhaps the Lord Commander could be making a reappearance after all. Disclaimer: She says she also "knows nothing" and cried when she read the script - so this could be wishful thinking on her part.

Melisandre, we're looking at you.

George RR Martin, who writes the A Song of Ice and Fire novels on which Thrones is based, has been characteristically vague when asked about Jon Snow's grisly demise.

The author recently told Entertainment Weekly that "if there's one thing we know in A Song of Ice and Fire, it's that death is not necessarily permanent".

Harington, however, is convinced that his Thrones career is over and has recommended viewers follow "good people" Tyrion, Daenerys or Brienne instead. Director David Nutter has also confirmed that the character is "deader than dead".

It's not looking good everyone, but while the hope is alive and Harington's hair still looking like a L'Oreal ad, we'll keep counting down the days until season six...

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