Game of Thrones director on Jon Snow: 'He's deader than dead'

‘You didn’t kill Jon Snow did you?’ asked the President of the United States

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 12 July 2015 16:17 BST
David Nutter taking questions at Comic-Con 2015
David Nutter taking questions at Comic-Con 2015 (Getty)

Both the actors and directors of Game of Thrones managed to keep their lips pretty much sealed over the future of Westeros during their Comic Con panel.

However, once away from the hordes of fans and with just a few press members director David Nutter began to answer a few questions about Jon Snow and Stannis Baratheon.

About Jon, he told Entertainment Weekly: “Three weeks ago, I was the in the company of the President of the United States.

“He turned to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, ‘You didn’t kill Jon Snow did you?’ I said, ‘Jon Snow is deader than dead.’ I thought I was going to be sent to Guantanamo or something, but fortunately I’m here – but he’s dead.”

Stannis in Game of Thrones
Stannis in Game of Thrones

When questioned whether Stannis was actually killed by Brienne: “From the very beginning, and [through] the script process, that was the intent — he’s dead.”

Many fans have speculated that Stannis was actually spared as the camera does not show he is actually dead.

However, while Nutter clearly states how Jon is “deader than dead” this will no doubt do nothing to squash rumours that he may be returning in one form or another.

One highly likely theory is that Melisandre, who is back at Castle Black, will channel the Lord of Light and revive Jon, and perhaps with such a level of skill that he will still be a fully functional hunky warrior rather than a shell of a man as with previous resurrectees.

Another is that he may Warg into his Direwolf, Ghost as the Starks have been known to be able to transport their minds into that of an animal.

Elsewhere at Comic Con, the Game of Thrones panel answered a variety of questions on Shireen, Sansa and the books in general. Read our full coverage here.

Jon Snow looking very much dead
Jon Snow looking very much dead (HBO)

You can also watch the audition tape that was shown, featuring Natalie Dormer, Gwendoline Christie and Liam Cunningham, here.

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