Doctor Who series 9: Jenna Coleman to stay on for whole season as Clara Oswald

Clara Oswald is getting back in the Tardis revealed the Christmas special

Matilda Battersby
Thursday 25 December 2014 20:12 GMT
Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald in the Doctor Who Christmas special
Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald in the Doctor Who Christmas special (BBC)

It looks like Jenna Coleman will be appearing in the next series of Doctor Who despite widespread rumours that her character was going to leave.

The actress, 28, who plays assistant to Peter Capaldi’s Doctor, Clara Oswald, had herself fuelled rumours by refusing to disclose if she was staying or going.

“We’ve sat down with Steven Moffat and we’ve all decided we don’t want anybody to know which way it’s going,” she told Radio Times in September.

“If you know I’m in the next series or if you know I’m off, you’ll know how the story ends.”

The speculation was compounded when the Doctor Who series finale that aired in November featured a goodbye hug between the Time Lord and Clara.

It also followed a maudlin storyline in which Clara’s boyfriend, Danny Pink, dies and comes back to earth as a Cyberman.

Tonight’s Christmas special confirmed that Clara is back travelling with the Doctor and also hinted that Pink might make a return.

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