CNN host slams white guest who said the n-word on national television
This might be the blogger's last appearance on the network

On Tuesday afternoon, Charles Kaiser, a white blogger, used the n-word on CNN while criticizing Donald Trump’s recent appointment of Stephen Bannon as his new White House advisor. “If you don’t want to support the alt-right, don’t choose as a White House counselor a man who uses the word n***er,” he said in a panel discussion with Paris Dennard, a black Trump supporter.
CNN host Brooke Baldwin immediately interrupted her guest to condemn his language. “Charles, just hang on a second,” she began, “appreciate you going through all of this but please don’t use the n-word on my show.” Still, he responded by apologizing and offering up the following excuse. “I never use the n-word except when I’m quoting someone who has been appointed by the president to serve in the Oval Office,” he said, “since this is such a disgusting moment in our history.”
She eventually took to Twitter to condemn the comment. “Whether you're quoting someone or not, using the n-word on my show is not okay,” she wrote. “Period.” Watch the full incident below.