Adam Driver goes emo Kylo Ren in SNL trailer

Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Adam Driver is making his debut as a guest host on Saturday Night Live, marking the show's return from winter break. As is the usual tradition, a set of promos featuring the actor have been released in advance of its airing.
Honestly, these promos tend not to feature the show's strongest writing; sometimes even coming off as if they've simply run out of things to say about a certain celebrity. Yet, Driver's set of ads managed to be hilarious, sweet, and deliriously fun.
There's even a sly nod to the internet's recent fixation on Kylo Ren as the galaxy's primo melodramatic, emo brat; Driver finds himself monologuing at on point, "I'm the new guy, and they don't trust the new guys with the promos in the studio so they brought us here, to this godforsaken diner. To laugh, and joke, and dance like everything's OK; but everything's not OK." All before his companion butts in with, "that's just a little intense."
The joke also serves as a great nod to another of Driver's beloved characters, Adam Sackler from HBO's Girls; a man just as prone to intensity and tantrums within his daily routine. The series has its season 5 premiere on 21 February, although it was recently announced the show would end after season 6.
And, though The Force Awakens is getting the world acquainted with Driver's serious acting chops, these promos are a great reminder the actor's got a real flair for comedy too. Not only on Girls, but with the entire slate of comedies under his belt, including Noah Baumbach's Frances Ha and While We're Young.
Driver had SNL cast member Kate McKinnon on hand to promote Saturday's show; getting giddily flirtatious with her host, "I'm going to order the super sexy host with extra talent and a side of dark, mysterious eyes." McKinnon's knack for striking the perfect balance between hysterical and awkward always makes her a strong choice for the show's promos, as she's quickly establishing herself as the series' strongest performer, especially ahead of the release of Paul Feig's Ghostbusters.
The pair also nodded to Driver's recent star-making turn with the ol', 'we're friends, but I've been hiding a lightsaber underneath this table in case things take a turn' tactic. The question is, will they actually go ahead with fans' requests for a Emo Kylo Ren sketch? With him working in Hot Topic and posting Evanescence lyrics to his Myspace page?
All will be revealed when Saturday Night Live airs in the US 17 January, 11.30pm ET on NBC.
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