Queen's Birthday honours 1998

Saturday 13 June 1998 00:02 BST

Life Peers

Burns, Sir Terence, GCB, Permanent secretary, H.M. Treasury.

Laming, Sir William Herbert, CBE, Chief inspector, Social Services Inspectorate, Department of Health. Marshall, Sir Colin Marsh, Chairman, Brit Airways.

Richardson, The Reverend Kathleen Margaret, OBE, Moderator, Free Churches' Council.

Privy Counsellors

Harris Of Greenwich, John Henry, Baron, Liberal Democrat ch Whip, House of Lords.

Companion of Honour

Brook, Peter, theatre director.

Knights Bachelor

Bates, Malcolm Rowland, For serv ind. Birt, John, Director-General, BBC. For serv Broadcasting.

Bonallack, Michael Francis, OBE, Secretary, the R and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews. For serv Golf.

Browne, Edmund John Phillip, Group ch exec, Brit Petroleum Company plc. For serv the Oil and Gas Industries. Cohen, Professor Philip, FRS, Director, MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit and R Society Research Professor at the University of Dundee. For serv Biochemistry.

Cooper, Robert George, CBE, For serv Equal Opportunities.

Gardiner, John Eliot, CBE, Conductor. For serv Music.

George, Professor Charles Frederick, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Dean of Medicine, Health and Biological Sciences, University of Southampton. For serv Medicine and to Medical Education.

Gillam, Patrick John, Chairman, Standard Chartered Bank. For serv Industry.

Gorman, John Reginald, CVO, CBE, MC, DL, Chairman, Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue.

Hall, Professor Peter Geoffrey, For serv the Town and Country Planning Association.

Hampson, Stuart, Chairman, John Lewis Partnership. For serv Retailing. Hare, David, Playwright. For serv the Theatre.

Hoddinott, John Charles, CBE, QPM, Chief Constable of Hampshire. For serv the Police and to the prevention of Crime.

Holm, Ian, CBE, Actor. For serv Drama.

Hurst, Geoffrey Charles, MBE, For serv Association Football.

Jarman, Professor Brian, OBE, General Medical Practitioner and Professor of Primary Health Care, Imperial College School of Medicine, London. For serv General Practice.

Langlands, Robert Alan, Chief exec, NHS Executive, Department of Health.

Macara, Alexander Wiseman, Chairman, Council of the Brit Medical Association. For serv the Medical Profession.

Mallick, Professor Netar Prakesh, Professor of Renal Medicine, University of Manchester and consultant Nephrologist, Manchester R Infirmary. For serv Nephrology.

Malpas, Robert, CBE, For serv Industry and to Science and Technology.

McNulty, Robert William Roy, CBE, For serv Economic Development. Morrison, Alexander Fraser, CBE, Chairman, Morrison Construction Group. For serv Highland and Islands Enterprise.

Mortimer, John Clifford, CBE, QC, Barrister and Playwright. For serv the Arts.

Nichols, Richard Everard, Lord Mayor of London. For serv the City of London.

Salisbury, Robert William, Headteacher, Garibaldi School, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. For serv Education. Shackleton, Professor Nicholas John, FRS, Director, Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. For serv the Earth Sciences. Watson, Professor David John, Director, University of Brighton. For serv Higher Education.

Williams, Peter Michael, CBE, Chairman, Oxford Instruments plc. For serv Science and Technology.

Order of the Bath


Strachan, Mrs Valerie Patricia Marie, CB, Chairman, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise.

Knight Commander (KCB)

Turnbull, Andrew, CB, CVO, Permanent secretary, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.

Companion (CB)

Bell, David John, For publ service. Bender, Brian, Head, European Secretariat, Cabinet Office. Betts, Charles Valentine, Lately dir general Submarines and head of the R Corps of Naval Constructors, Ministry of Defence. Heyhoe, David Charles Ross, Lately assistant under secretary, Ministry of Defence. McDonald, Mrs Mavis, Director general, Housing, Construction and Countryside Regeneration, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Parker, Robert Stewart, Parliamentary Counsel, Parliamentary Counsel Office. Rubery, Miss Eileen Doris, Head, Protection of Health Division, Department of Health. Sanders, Nicholas John, Director, School Curriculum Funding and Teachers, Department for Education and Employment. Tyacke, Mrs Sarah Jacqueline, Chief exec, Public Record Office and Keeper of Public Records, Lord Chancellor's Department. Walker, Timothy Edward Hanson, Director- General, Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Home Office.

Order of St Michael and St George

Commander (CMG)

Bennett, Andrew John, Chief Natural Resources Adviser, Department for International Development. Bostock, David John, Deputy permanent Representative, UKREP Brussels. Greaves, John Western, For serv the Latin American Trade Advisory Group and to Export. Tyszkiewicz, Zygmunt Jan Ansgary, For serv the Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe.

Order of the British Empire

Dame Commander (DBE)

Beer, Professor Gillian Patricia Kempster, King Edward VII Professor of English Literature and president, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. For serv English Literature. Boreland Kelly, Mrs Lorna May, JP, Chair of Governors, Lambeth College. For serv Education. Kershaw, Mrs (Betty) Janet Elizabeth Murray, President, R College of Nursing. For serv the Nursing Profession and to Nursing Education. Metcalf, Mrs Helen, Headteacher, Chiswick Community School, Hounslow. For serv Education. Oliver, Mrs Gillian Frances, Head Nurse and dir of Patient Services, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology, Merseyside. For serv Health Care. Runciman, Ruth, Lady, OBE, Chairman, Mental Health Act Commission. For serv Mentally Ill People.

Commander (CBE)

Allsop, David, Policy mgr, Department of Social Security. Ammon, Mrs Linda Mary, Divisional mgr, Choice and Careers Division, Department for Education and Employment. Baring, Mrs Teresa Anne, For serv the Voluntary Sector. Barr, Peter Edward, Chairman, Hazlewood Foods plc. For serv the Food Industry. Batho, Walter James Scott, Chairman, London and Quadrant Housing Trust. For serv Social Housing. Beeton, David Christopher, Chief exec, Historic R Palaces. Black, Miss Moira Elizabeth, Chairman, English Advisory Committee on Telecommunications. For serv Consumers and to Health Care. Boddy, Professor Keith, OBE, For serv the NHS and to Radioactive Waste Management. Bogdanor, Professor Vernon Bernard, For serv Constitutional History. Browse, Miss Lillian Gertrude, For serv the Visual Arts. Bruce, Christopher, Artistic dir, Rambert Dance Company. For serv Dance. Bull, Miss Marion Phyllis, OBE, Chief Nursing Officer, Welsh Office. Caines, Miss Jean Margaret, Lately dir of Information, Department of Trade and Industry. Coe, Anthony Thomas, QPM, Chief Constable, Suffolk Constabulary. For serv the Police. Colling, Stephen, Headteacher, Bowland High School, Lancashire. For serv Education. Crown, Mrs June Madge, President, Faculty of Public Health Medicine. For serv Public Health. Dawbarn, Brian George, Head, Information Technology Division, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Dobbie, Scott Jamieson, For serv Financial Regulation. Downing, George Graham, For serv the R Brit Legion. Ellis, Thomas James, Chairman and ch exec Seeboard plc. For serv the Electricity Industry. Evans, Matthew, Chairman, Library and Information Commission. For serv Librarianship and Information Provision. Finnigan, Michael John, Lately ch exec, Farming and Rural Conservation Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Ford, Peter John, Chairman, London Regional Transport. For serv Public Transport in London. Gemmell, Gavin John Norman, Joint Senior Partner, Baillie Gifford & Co. For serv the Finance Industry. Glaister, Stephen, For serv Public Transport. Glasgow, Edwin John, QC, For serv the Financial Reporting Review Panel. Glendinning, Miss Victoria, Writer. For serv Literature. Godfrey, John Arthur Cadas, Chairman, Brit Pig Association and Farm Assured Brit Pigs. For serv the Pig Industry. Goodman, Geoffrey George, For serv Journalism and to the Newspaper Industry. Gough, Piers William, For serv Architecture. Grahame, Professor Rodney, For serv the Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board and to Disabled People. Gray, The Rev Canon Donald Clifford, TD, Canon of Westminster and Rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster Abbey. For serv the Speaker of the House of Commons. Gray, John Armstrong Muir, Director of Research and Development, Anglia and Oxford Region, NHS Executive, Department of Health. Hardcastle, Professor Jack Donald, Professor of Surgery, University of Nottingham. For serv Surgery. Hern, Maj William Richard, CVO, For serv Horse Racing. Howie, Professor Archibald, FRS, Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge. For serv Electron Microscopy. Hubbard, Mrs Ann Francis, Teacher, Reigate College, Surrey. For serv the promotion of Chemistry Education. Hughes, Michael, For serv the Foresight Panels and to the Finance Industry. Humphries, Chris, Chief exec, Training and Enterprise National Council. For serv Training. Hutton, Mrs Deirdre Mary, Chairman, Scottish Consumer Council. For publ service. Isaacson, Laurence, Co-Founder and Deputy chm, Groupe Chez Gerard plc. For serv the Restaurant Trade and to Tourism. Isserlis, Steven John, Cellist. For serv Music. Jameson, John, QFSM, Firemaster, Strathclyde Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service. Jamieson, John Leckie, Solicitor, Scottish Office. Jones, Schuyler, For serv the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford University, Oxford. Jones, Trefor Glyn, OBE, DL, Chief exec, Pilkington Optronics. For serv the Defence Industry and to the commty in Clwyd. Kee, Robert, Author and Broadcaster. Keen, Professor Harry, For serv the Brit Diabetic Association and to the NHS Support Federation. Kerr, Ronald James, Regional dir, North Thames Regional Office, NHS Executive, Department of Health. Kibble, Professor Thomas Walter Bannerman, FRS, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Imperial College, London. For serv Physics. Lawrence, Richard Vincent, Consultant, Missile Guidance, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence. Leighfield, John Percival, Chairman, Alliance of Information System Skills Group. For serv Training and Development. Lillford, Professor Peter John, Principal Scientist, Unilever Research. For serv the Food Industry and to Science. Livingstone, Ian Lang, OBE, Chairman, Lanarkshire Development Agency. For serv Business and to the Community and Health in Lanarkshire. Lowther, William, OBE, DL, Director general UCB Films, UCB Films plc. For serv Industry and to the commty in Cumbria. Malone, Bruce Anthony, Headteacher, St. Andrew's Secondary School, Glasgow. For serv Education. Manzoor, Mrs Zahida Parveen, For serv the Commission for Racial Equality and to Health Care. Martin, John Stephen, Joint managing dir, Martin Baker Aircraft Company Ltd. For serv the Defence Industry. McAleese, Kevin, Headteacher, Harrogate Grammar School, North Yorkshire. For serv Education. McCosh, William, Chairman, Guideline Careers and Guidance Services Ltd. For serv Training. McCoy, Kevin Francis, For publ service. McDonald, Miss Oonagh, For serv the Financial Services Authority and to Business. McDowell, Sidney, For serv Industrial Relations and to Housing. MacPherson, Miss Wilma Roy, Director of Quality and Nursing, Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital Trust, London. For serv Nursing. Melling, Mrs Rosemary Lee, H.M. ch inspector, Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate, Lord Chancellor's Department. Michael, Peter Anthony, Assistant dir, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Mitchell, George Henry Gardiner, JP, Lately chm, Central Probation Council. For serv the Probation Service. Beattie-Moriarty, Mrs Brigid, Headteacher, Burntwood Girls' School, Wandsworth. For serv Education. Morphet, Richard Edward, Keeper Emeritus, Modern Collection, Tate Gallery. Noble, Professor Denis, FRS, Burdon Sanderson Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology, University of Oxford. For serv Science. Norman, Barry Leslie, Presenter, BBC Television. For serv Broadcasting and to the Film Industry. Peacock, Peter James, Convenor, Highland Council. For serv Local Government. Peckham, Professor Catherine, Professor of Paediatric Epidemiology, Institute of Child Health, University of London. For serv Medicine. Phillips, Adrian Alexander Christian, For serv the Countryside and to the Environment. Plaut, Rudolf Theodor Felix, OBE, Chairman, Techniquest. For serv Education and to Science. Reynolds, Miss Fiona Claire, Lately dir, Council for the Protection of Rural England. For serv Agro-Environmental Policy and to Conservation. Robertson, Stanley Stewart John, Chief Inspecting Officer of Railways, Health and Safety Executive, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Ruckley, Professor Charles Vaughan, Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Edinburgh. For serv Surgery. Shawyer, Eric Francis, Chairman, the Baltic Exchange. For serv the Shipping Industry. Skiffins, Roger Martin, Lately dir, Broadcasting, Space and Radio Technologies, Department of Trade and Industry. Slater, William John, OBE, President, Brit Gymnastics. For serv Gymnastics and to Sport. Smith, Anthony Patrick, Chief exec, English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. For serv Health Care. Smith, David John Harry, Chief exec Officer, Whatman plc. For serv Technology Transfer. Stuart, Alastair Charles Dunbar, For serv the Defence, Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee. Tagg, David Edward, Group Services dir, DIAGEO plc. For serv Community Regeneration. Taylor, Roy, Director of Community Services, R Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. For serv Social Services. Toby, John Paxton, General Medical Practitioner. For serv Medicine and to The R College of General Practitioners. Whitfield, Miss June Rosemary, OBE, Actress. For serv Comedy Drama. Williams, John, Headteacher, Pen-y-Dre High School, Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. For serv Secondary School Education. Wivell, Alistair James, Managing dir, Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd. For serv the Construction Industry. Woof, Robert Samuel, For serv the Wordsworth Trust. Worley, Edward Michael, Member, Black Country Development Corporation. For serv the Regeneration of the Black Country.

Officer (OBE)

Coode-Adams, Giles, For serv the Foundation and Friends of the R Botanic Gardens, Kew. Hempleman-Adams, David Kim, MBE, For serv Arctic Exploration. Ainsworth, William Robert, For serv Architecture. Aldridge, Roger, Executive dir, Marks and Spencer Plc. For serv Retail Development and Planning. Andrews, Miss Kay, Director, Education Extra. For serv Extra-Curricular Education. Anns, Raymond, Lately Grade 7, Court Fund Office, Lord Chancellor's Department. Armstrong, Ronald Grant, Lately Deputy dir-General, Building Societies Association. For serv the Building Society Movement. Arnold, Professor Brian, JP, Head of School of Science Education, Northern College; Aberdeen. For serv Teacher Training. Arnold, Mrs Mary Margaret, For serv the R Brit Legion Women's Section. Avery, Robert Philip, Principal Lecturer and Russian Interpreter, Ministry of Defence. Baird, James Ashleigh, For publ service. Barlow, George Francis, Chief exec, Peabody Trust. For serv Housing and Regeneration. Barton, Miss Marcia, For serv the Association of ch Police Officers. Batchelor, Peter Readwin, For serv the Home Office Vehicle Crime Prevention Group. Bates, Graham Monro, JP, For serv the commty, especially Scouting and charities, in Bedfordshire. Bates, Miss Thelma Dorothy, Chairman, Health Committee, General Medical Council. For serv Medicine, especially Radiotherapy. Batt, Christopher, Director, Leisure Services, Croydon Borough Council, Surrey. For serv Librarianship and Information Provision. Baxter, Professor Seaton Hall, For serv Scottish Natural Heritage and to the Environment. Bell, Anthony Peter, Director of Nursing and Joint Commissioning, Liverpool Health Authority. For serv Integrated Health Care. Bennet, Graham Alexander, QPM, Deputy ch Constable, Fife Constabulary. For serv the Police. Bertioli, Michael Murray, Group Engineering dir, Druck. For innovation in the Pressure Measurement Industry. Bevan, Mrs Gaynor, Headteacher, Glasbury-on-Wye Primary School, Hereford. For improvements in School Standards. Beynon, Mrs Beryl, Medical dir. For serv the Jacob's Well Appeal. Binyon, Miss Jane Sophy, Head of Personnel Strategy, Policy and Guidance Unit, Health and Safety Executive, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Blewett, Francis McCartney, For serv Conservation in Wiltshire. Bloomer, Robert John Giles, For serv Rotherham Chamber of Commerce Training and Enterprise. Bould, Aubrey, Technical Liaison Officer, Plant Varieties and Seeds Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Box, John Allan Hyatt, Designer. For serv the Film Industry. Browning, Mrs Helen Mary, For serv Organic Farming. Brownson, Mrs Susan Ann, For serv the Retail Motor Industry Federation. Burbidge, David Lovell, DL, For serv the Coventry Cathedral Development Trust. Calderwood, James William, For serv Orthopaedic Surgery. Carless, Egbert Sylvester, Chair of Corporation, Handsworth College Group. For serv Education and to the commty in Birmingham. Chamberlain, Professor Marcella Anne, For serv Rheumatological Rehabilitation. Christie, Linford, MBE, For serv Athletics. Clark, Professor Matthew Aitken, Chief exec, Broads Authority. For serv the Norfolk Broads and to National Park Development. Clayton, Miss Veronica Elsie, Professor of Music. For serv the R Military School of Music. Codona, Mrs Betty Enid, For serv Women's Basketball. Coleman, John Warren, For serv Local Government and to Economic Development in Wales. Cooper, Miss Elaine Davies, Section head, SC6, Department of Health. Courtney, Miss Jean, Head of Office, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Craig, Thomas James, For serv the Police. Crawford, Lincoln, For serv the Independent Adoption Service and to Community Relations. Lewis-Crown, Peter, For serv the Fashion Industry and for charitable serv. Davies, David Hughes, DL, Chairman, Sir Geraint Evans Wales Heart Research Institute Appeal. For serv the commty in Wales. Davies, Mrs Pauline Winifred, Range 11, Department of Trade and Industry. Davies, Mrs Sandra, Headteacher, Ogmore Comprehensive School, South Wales. For serv Education. Davison, Brian Kingsley, Field Archaeologist and Senior Inspector of Historic Properties, South West Region, English Heritage. Donagher, Hugh, Assistant ch Investigation Officer, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Downes, Peter James, Education consultant; Former president, Secondary Heads' Association. For serv Language Teaching and to Educational Management. Turner-Downs, Miss Muriel Patricia, For serv the Civil Service Appeal Board and to Personnel Management. Duncan, Geoffrey Stuart, For serv the Board of Education of the General Synod of the Church of England. Duncanson, George, Managing dir, G.E. Aircraft Engine Services Ltd. For serv Industry and to Employment in Wales. Dunstan, Mrs Diana Rosemary, Director, Research Management, Medical Research Council. For serv Scientific Research. Dutton, Clive, Head of Regeneration, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. For serv the Regeneration of the West Midlands. Duvall, Leonard Lloyd, Leader, London Borough of Greenwich. For serv Local Government in London and to the Thames Gateway Partnership. Eden, John Alfred, Director and General mgr Operations, Vickers Bridging. For serv the Bridging The Nineties project. Edwards, Miss Judy Frances, Headteacher, Grove Park Special School, Brent. For serv Special Education. Ekins, John Duguid Kethro, County Surveyor, Hampshire County Council. For serv Transport and to Road Management Partnership in Hampshire. Embleton, Howard Norman, Forest District mgr, West Argyll Forest District, Forestry Commission. English, Christopher, For serv The Silver Trust and to charities. Enoch, Peter John, Lately General Medical Practitioner, Derbyshire. For serv Medicine. Errington, Sir Geoffrey Frederick, Bt, Lately chm, APA Community Drug and Alcohol Initiatives. For serv the Prevention of Drug Misuse. Farquhar, William John, Secretary, Clinical Resource and Audit Group, NHS in Scotland. For serv Clinical Effectiveness in Health Care. Fell, Michael Glenn, Manager, Port of Hull. For serv the Port Industry and to Industry in Humberside. Fender, Iain Montgomery, Grade 6, Ministry of Defence. Fey, Mrs Susan Margaret, For serv Business Links in London. Filochowski, Julian, For serv International Development. Finlayson, Niall Diarmid Campbell, Consultant Physician, R Infirmary of Edinburgh. For serv Medicine. Flanagan, William John, Leader, Chesterfield Borough Council. For serv the commty in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Fletcher, Peter, Headteacher, Easingwold School, North Yorkshire. For serv Education. Fleury, Paul Lawrence, Grade 7, Ministry of Defence. Footitt, Brian, Director of Nursing Development, South Tees Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Ford, John Anthony, For serv the Crafts. Forsyth, Bruce, For serv Entertainment. Freeborn, John Derek, Lately Deputy dir, R Air Force Museum. For serv Museums. Gent, William, Clinical dir, Nursing, Mental Health and Learning Disability Services, Central Scotland Healthcare NHS. For serv Health Care for People with Learning Difficulties. Gibson, Mrs Anne, National secretary, Manufacturing, Science and Finance Union. For serv Employee Relations and to Equal Opportunities. Gill, Lt Col Peter Hempson, Lately dir, Builders Merchants' Federation. For serv the Construction Industry and to Training. Glendinning, Robert Hereward, Pro-Chancellor and lately chm, Board of Governors, University of the West of England. For serv Further and Higher Education. Goddard, Jeffrey, Chief Fire Officer, Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Service. Golding, John Thomas, Managing dir, Hewlett-Packard Ltd. For serv Quality in Business. Goldstone, Anthony Stewart, MBE, DL, For serv the North West Tourist Board. Goldsworthy, William John, For serv the National Farmers' Union. Gompels, Mrs Susan Irene, Principal, SI Gompels and Co. For serv Women in the Accountancy Profession. Gottlieb, Ronald Lionel, Chairman, Norwood Ravenswood. For serv People with Learning Disabilities. Gracey, Howard, For serv the Church of England Pensions Board. Graham, Miss Aileen, For serv Education. Graham, David Alexander, For serv the Dairy Industry. Gray, Lt Col Charles Robert Douglas, For serv the Indian Cavalry Officers' Association. Green, James Niall Stevenson, General Medical Practitioner. For serv Medicine. Green, Mrs Mavis Ann, Customer Service Adviser, H.M.Board of Inland Revenue. Greswell, Mrs Marian Helen, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Somerset. Griffith, Maldwyn Jones, Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery and dir, Surgical Services, Carmarthen and District NHS Trust. For serv Medicine. Guild, William John, Member, Committee of Management, R National Lifeboat Institution. For serv the RNLI in Scotland. Gunnell, Miss Sally Jane Janet, MBE, For serv Athletics. Haggett, David Stephen, For serv Business and to the commty in the West Midlands. Hardy, Mrs Carolyn, For serv the National Gardens Scheme and to the R Horticultural Society. Heape, Roy George, Lately Non Executive dir, National Savings Agency. Hegarty, Eric Norman, For serv the Magistracy in Liverpool, Merseyside. Henderson, Macdonald, For serv Badminton. Hepburn, Ian Roy, Assistant dir Scientific Services and Queen's Assay Master, the R Mint. Hewitson, George Austin, For publ service. Hewson, Anthony Paull Maitland, For serv Disabled People especially through SCOPE. Hibbert, Professor Frederick Alan, Director of Academic Quality, Southampton Institute of Higher Education. For serv Biology and to Higher Education. Hill, John Bonar Holmes, For serv Further and Higher Education. Hillis, Joseph Anthony, Director of Nursing and Operational Services, Reaside Clinic, Birmingham. For serv Health Care. Hollobone, Thomas Arnold, Secretary, International Marine Contractors Association and Association of Diving Contractors. For serv Health and Safety in the Diving Industry. Hopkinson, Mrs Prudence Margaret, JP, DL, For serv the Magistracy and to the Prison service in West Sussex. Hunter, Ian, For serv Optometry and to Patient Eye Care. Hunter, Thomas Drummond, Director, Howard League for Penal Reform chm, Disability Scotland; Scottish Institute of Human Relations; Child Psychotherapy Trust, Scotland. For serv the commty. Inman, Edward Oliver, Director, Duxford Airfield, Imperial War Musuem. For serv Aviation History. Insch, Miss Elspeth Virginia, Head, King Edward VI Handsworth School, Birmingham. For serv Education. Irwin, Christopher Beaven, For serv Forestry, the Timber Growers' Association and to the Environment. Jackson, Timothy William, Director Commercial Affairs, The Scotch Whisky Association. For serv Export. Jennings, Alfred Frank, Governor 1, H.M. Prison Kirkham, Prison Service, Home Office. Jennings, James, JP, Member, North Ayrshire Council. For serv Local Government. Jessop, David Andrew, Executive dir, West India Committee. For serv Anglo/Caribbean Relations. John, David Edryd, Principal Housing and Planning Inspector, The Planning Inspectorate, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Johnstone, James McKenzie Carrie, Director of Capital Investment, North of Scotland Water Authority. For serv Water Management. Jones, Professor Ronald Samuel, JP, Professor, Veterinary Anaesthesia, University of Liverpool. For serv Veterinary Medicine. Rhys Jones, Mrs Sandi Yvonne, For serv the Promotion of Opportunities for Women in the Construction Industry. Joyce, Lionel Roderic, Chief exec, Newcastle City Health NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Kay, Stefan George, Managing dir, Inveresk plc. For serv the Paper Industry and to Export. Finn-Kelcey, John Richard Ernest, For serv the commty, especially the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Ashford, Kent. Killey, Ronald Edward, For serv the Commonwealth Games Federation and to Young People on the Isle of Man. Kime, Colin Herbert, Officer in Charge, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. King, Robert John, Chief Fire Officer, Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Service. Kirby, William Stanley, Visual Impairment consultant. For serv Museums and Galleries. Kirkpatrick, William Brown, JP, For serv the Gaming Board for Great Britain. Knight, Alan Paul, Environmental Policy Controller B&Q. For serv Environmental Audit in Business. Lambert, Peter, Assistant dir, Aeroengines and Export Promotion, Department of Trade and Industry. Leathwood, Barry, National secretary, Rural Agricultural and Allied Workers' Trade Group TGWU. For serv the Agricultural Wages Board. Lewington, Wing Cdr John Merritt, RAFVR. For serv the Air Training Corps, North Region. Lilley, Robert Hugh, For serv Journalism. Locke, Stephen, For serv County Museum and Galleries Services. Lyons, Professor Susan Mary, Managing dir, Rolls Royce Military Aero Engines Ltd. For serv Aero Engineering. Mackay, Professor David William, Director, North Region, Scottish Environment Protection Agency. For serv Environment Protection. Madden, Christopher John Frank, Executive dir, Brit In Vitro Diagnostics Association. For serv the Diagnostics Industry. Mallett, Professor Michael Edward, Professor of History, University of Warwick. For serv the History of Renaissance Italy. Massie, Neil Forbes, Farmer. For serv Aberdeen Angus and Charolais Livestock Breeding. Matheson, Miss Ann, Keeper, Department of Printed Books. For serv the National Library of Scotland. Matheson, Professor George Dunlop, Lately dir, Transport Research Laboratory. For serv Geotechnical Engineering. Mayhew, Mrs Patricia, Grade 6, Home Office. McCafferty, Mrs Grainne, For serv Secondary Education. McCall, Miss Rosemary Faith, For serv the Link Centre and to care for Deaf People. McClure, Alan David, DL, For serv the Medical Packaging Industry and to the commty. McDonagh, Miss Madeleine, Manager, National Environmental Technology Centre, AEA Technology plc. For serv Oilspill Research. McDonough, David Fergus, For serv the commty, especially Disabled People, in London, and to the Medical Charities. McDougall, Mrs Cynthia, Grade 5, Home Office. McGrenary, Thomas Joseph, Principal, Cumbernauld College. For serv Further Education. McKenna, Michael Noel, Director of Submarines of Babcock Rosyth Defence Limited. For serv Ship Engineering. McManus, John Francis, Headteacher, Tyldesley Highfield School, Wigan. For serv Education. McNair, Miss Elizabeth Matilda, For serv the re-organisation of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Training and to Nursing Quality. McQuillan, Mervyn, For serv the Housing Association Movement and to Housing Provision. Mecham, Michael George, Deputy dir, South America Trade Promotion, Department of Trade and Industry. Mellish, David John, QPM, Acting ch Constable, Northumbria Constabulary. For serv the Police. Middleton, Robert, Member, Aberdeen City Council. For serv Local Government. Midgley, Professor John Morton, For serv the Brit Pharmacopoeia Commission and to Regulatory Medicine. Miller, Graham Douglas Naismith, For serv the Transport Industry and to the Freight Transport Association. Milne, Mrs Cherrill Rosemary, For serv the Army Families' Federation. Mitchell, Mrs Eileen, For serv the Scottish Refugee Council and to the Refugee Action Council. Moffat, James Harkness, For serv Business and to the Community in Ayrshire. Moore, James Antony Axel Herring, For serv the Fulbright Commission and to International Fellowship Programmes. Morgan, Col Geoffrey Charles Purday, DL, For serv the Army Benevolent Fund and to the commty in Essex. Morton, Professor John, Director, Medical Research Council Cognitive Development Unit. For serv Psychology and to Child Development. Mulholland, Miss Clare, Lately Deputy ch exec, ITC. For serv Broadcasting. Murray, Mrs Noel, For serv the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association. Nelson, Stanley Livingston, District mgr, Employment Service, Department for Education and Employment. Nicholl, Miss Agnes Alexandra, For serv Young People. Norton, Michael Aslan, Founder, Directory of Social Change. For serv the Voluntary Sector. Nosowski, Richard John, Headteacher, Backwell School, North Somerset. For serv Education. Offen, Arthur, Head, Soft Traffic Policy Branch, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Ogle, Stephen Robert, Lately Executive dir Finance, Magnox Electric plc. For serv the Nuclear Industry. Ollerhead, John Bruce, Chief Aircraft Noise Adviser, National Air Traffic Services. For serv Noise Abatement. Owen, David Harold Owen, Registrar, Privy Council Office. Owens, Mrs Susan Elizabeth, For serv Sustainable Development. Patel, Mrs Indira, For serv Asian Women of Great Britain. Peacock, Ian Douglas, Lately ch exec, Lawn Tennis Association. For serv Lawn Tennis. Peel, John, For serv Radio Broadcasting and to Popular Music. Perry, Miss Claire, Chief exec, Bromley Health Authority. For serv Health Care. Perry, Professor Clive Graham, Festival dir, Pitlochry Festival Theatre. For serv Provincial Theatre. Pettenuzzo, Sister Elena Regina, For serv Disabled Children and Adults, especially those with Epilepsy, in Hertfordshire. Phillips, Leslie Samuel, Actor. For serv Drama. Pickles, David Richard Peace, Chief Architect and Energy mgr, Newark and Sherwood District Council. For serv Energy Efficiency and to Sustainable Development in Housing. Powell, David Alan, Grade 7, Welsh Office. Pratchett, Terence David John, Author. For serv Literature. Purchase, Iain Francis Harvey, Director, Zeneca Central Toxicology Laboratory. For serv Toxicology. Quinn, John Leslie, Assistant dir, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Reed, Leslie David, Composer. For serv Popular Music. Rendell, John Jeremy, Chief exec, UK Ecolabelling Board, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Reynolds, Anthony Arthur, For serv the Construction Industry, Industrial Relations and for charitable serv. Rickson, Malcolm Leslie, Grade 6, Ministry of Defence. Roberts, John Iwan Killin, For serv the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in Dyfed. Rogers, Terence Piers Edward, Director of Housing and Sports Development, Corporation of London. For serv Housing and to Homeless People in London. Rose, Barry Michael, Lately Master of the Music, St. Alban's Abbey. For serv Church Music. Rowell, John Francis, Head, Crime Prevention Unit, The Scottish Office. Roy, Archibald Donald, Grade 6, Benefits Agency, Department of Social Security. Rye, Professor David, For serv Nurse Education, Standards of Nursing Care and Training. Sandberg, Alexander Christer Edward, Chairman, Messrs. Sandberg Consulting Engineers. For serv Civil Engineering. Saunders, John George, Chief exec, Business Link in Hereford and Worcester. For serv the Business Link Network. Schaller, Leon, For serv the Jewish commty and to Young People. Scott, David Haig, Local Government Editor, The Scotsman. For serv Journalism. Seago, Peter John, JP, For serv the Administration of Justice. Shattock, Paul Edward Gilbert, For serv People with Autism. Shenton, Richard Joseph, Senior Senator, States of Jersey. For serv the commty. Simpson, John Lee, Managing dir, SERCO-I.A.L. Systems Ltd. For serv Export. Sleep, Wayne Philip Colin, For serv Dance and Drama. Smith, Professor Stanley Desmond, Chairman, Edinburgh Instruments Ltd. For serv Optoelectronics. Southgate, Arthur Frederick, MBE, For serv the R Brit Legion in Dorset. Spratling, Ian Peter, Managing dir, Wolff Steel Ltd. For serv the CBI and to Industry in Wales. Staines, Professor Brian William, Member, Deer Commission for Scotland. For serv Wildlife Management. Steane, Mrs Patricia Ann, Medical dir and consultant Anaesthetist, Swansea NHS Trust. For serv Medicine. Stilgoe, Richard Henry Simpson, President, Surrey Care Trust. For serv the commty, especially Disabled People. Stokes, Miss Margaret Mary, For serv Health Care and to People with Special Needs in Devon. Stroud, Alan Frederick, For serv the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. Struthers, Alastair Menzies, Headteacher, Lochend Secondary School, Easterhouse, Glasgow. For serv Education. Stubbs, Peter, For serv the Distributive Occupation Standards Council and to Employee Training. Swindall, Professor William James, For serv Analytical Science and to the Environment. Sykes, Philip John, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Morriston Hospital, Swansea. For serv Medicine. Taylor, Mrs Hazel Muriel, Lately Nursing dir, Glan Hafren NHS Trust. For serv Nursing in Wales. Taylor, The Rev Michael Hugh, For serv Christian Aid. Taylor, Norman Geoffrey, Assistant Collector, Fraud and Intelligence, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Teesdale, Mrs Christine, City Challenge mgr, Hartlepool Borough Council. For serv the Regeneration of Hartlepool. Tobias, Richard David, Chief exec, Brit Incoming Tour Operators' Association. For serv Tourism. Toller, James Rendall, Oasis IT Project mgr, H.M. Treasury. Upshall, David Glyndwr, Grade 6, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence. Usher, Melvin, Chief exec, South Somerset District Council. For serv Local Government and to the commty in Somerset. Verity, Mrs Patricia Emily, For serv the National Foster Care Association. Ward, Mrs Sarah, Lately commissioner, Countryside Commission. For serv the Countryside, especially in Kent. Ward, Tony, For serv Employee Relations and to the Commission for Racial Equality. Weaks, Mrs Dorothy Anne, Community Psychiatric Nurse, Perth and Kinross NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Weir, Miss Rosemary Helena, For serv Secondary Education. West, Graham, Officer in Charge, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Whiteside, Mrs Margaret Elizabeth Joan, For serv Consumer Affairs. Whitten, Samuel Maurice, For publ service. Wilkinson, David Kenworthy, Director, 3i plc. For serv Business in Yorkshire and the Humber region. Williams, David Clive Harries, For serv the commty in Berkshire. Williams, Geoffrey Alistair, Grade 6, Department for International Development. Williamson, David Stewart, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in Edinburgh. Wilmot, Miss Jane Morris, For serv Transport for Deaf People. Wilson, Alastair Mckinnon, Managing dir, Newcastle Breweries. For serv Tourism. Woolf, Douglas Langton, For serv Arthritis Care. Yaseen, Talib Hussain, Director of Nursing and Operational Services, Furness General Hospital, Cumbria. For serv Nursing Management and to Health Care. Yule, Alexander, For servies to Radiography and to Health Care.

Member (MBE)

Abbott, Paul Jonathan, Standards mgr, Railtrack plc. For serv Security and Emergency Planning Standards in the Railway Industry. Abbott, Cyril, Volunteer Driver, Leeds Social Services Department. For serv the commty. Addison, Mrs Betty Amelia, For serv the commty, especially Guiding and Children with Special Needs, in Catterick, North Yorkshire. Ahmed, Kabir, JP, For serv Community Relations in Manchester. Akteruzzaman, Mohammed, For serv the Asian commty in Cardiff. Alderson, Mrs May, For serv the commty in Hawarden, North Wales. Allan, Stewart Brown, Lately ch Technician, Educational Development Unit, The Robert Gordon University. For serv Research Projects. Allchin, Mrs Shirley Ann, Honours secretary, Department for Education and Employment. Allen, David, For serv Trade Unionism and to Education. Sandeman-Allen, James Alan, DFM, For serv the Guinea Pig Club and to the commty in Devon. Allen, Noel Vincent, Chairman, Exmoor Natural History Society. For serv Nature Conservation on Exmoor, Somserset. Allison, Miss Elizabeth Gaston, School secretary, St. Columba's Junior School, Kilmacolm. For serv Education. Ambrose, Mrs Jessie, For serv the commty, especially Elderly and Infirm People, in Bedfordshire. Anderson, Mrs Liselotte Margaret, For serv the Friends of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Wembley. Anderson, Miss Margaret Barbara Milne, JP, For serv the commty in Chryston, Glasgow. Anderson, Robert, Lately retained Sub Officer, Dumfries and Galloway Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service. Appleyard, Colin David, For serv ABC Aid for Poland. Armstrong, The Rev Canon John Hammond, For serv the RAF Association and to ex-Servicemen in York. Arnold, John, Lately Postmaster, House of Commons. For serv Parliament. Atkins, Norman Percy, Lately Court mgr, Lord Chancellor's Department. Attwood, Mrs Patricia Ann, For serv Handicapped Children and to People with Learning difficulties in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Austin, Mrs Marlene Elizabeth, In-Patient Services mgr, R Shrewsbury Hospital. For serv Health Care. Warwick-Bacon, Mrs Irene Margarete, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Derbyshire. Bacon, Peter William, For serv Trade Relations and Electronic Exports to Japan. Bagwell, Mrs Margaret, Foster Carer, Wigan. For serv Young People. Bailey, Mrs Adrienne Victoria, Sister, Out-Patient Clinic, Oaklands NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Bailey, Alan Trevor, For serv the conservation of Shire Brook Valley, Sheffield. Bailey, Lt Cdr Gerald George Thomas, R.N.. For serv the commty in Poole, Dorset. Baldrey, Mrs Linda Ann, MacMillan Breast Care Nurse, West Dorset General Hospitals Trust. For serv Health Care. Ballantyne, Gordon David, Senior Section Leader, Avionics Systems Engineering, BAe plc. For serv Training. Bampton, Miss Deborah, Lately Captain, England Women's Association Football Team. For serv Women's Association Football. Bane, Mrs Renata Maria, Restaurant Supervisor, Manchester R Eye Hospital. For serv the NHS. Barker, Mrs Sally Jennifer Holden, For serv the Save the Children Fund in Kendal, Cumbria. Barnes, John Charles Bryan, For serv Association Football. Barnett, Anthony Edward, Master Rigger, H.M. Naval Base, Gibraltar, Ministry of Defence. Barratt, Mrs Elizabeth Mary, Member, Wycombe District Council. For serv the commty in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Barron, Robert James, For serv the London Scottish Regimental Association and to the St. Nazaire Society. Barry, Mrs Barbara Elena, For publ service. Bedford, Frank, Divisional Engineer, Leicestershire County Council. For serv Highways Maintenance in Leicestershire. Bell, Henry Joseph, For serv the Building Industry. Bellis, Robert David, For serv Business in North West England. Bennett, Edwin, For serv the R London Society for the Blind. Bennett, Mrs Marlene, Member, Amber Valley Borough Council, Derbyshire. For serv Local Government and to the commty in Derbyshire. Bennett, Michael Ernest Frank, Sergeant, Metropolitan Police. For serv the Metropolitan Police Federation. Bennetts, Mrs Gladys Mary, For charitable serv the commty in Hayle, Cornwall. Bentley, Mrs Evelyn, For serv the commty, especially the Bristol Access and Contact Centre, in Bristol. Berry, John Stanley, Leading Ambulanceman, Cumbria Ambulance Service. For serv the commty in Kendal. Beynon, Mrs Vivienne, For charitable serv the commty, especially through Music, in Swansea. Bickerton, John Ivor, Farmworker. For serv Agriculture in Northumberland. Bilton, Mrs Doris Field, Chairman, Eric Liddell Centre and chm, Edinburgh and Leith Age Concern. For serv the commty in Edinburgh. Bingham, Miss Susan, Prison Officer Physical Education Instructor, H.M. Prison Bullwood Hall, Prison Service, Home Office. Bird, Mrs Florence Lydia, For serv Age Concern in Birmingham. Black, Mrs Doreen Mary, For serv the Playgroup Movement. Black, Miss Elizabeth Jean, For serv Disabled Anglers. Black, Mrs Helen Ruth, School Crossing Patrol Attendant, Dundee City Council. For serv the Safety of Schoolchildren. Blackburn, Alan McLean, DFC, For serv the commty, especially the Hospice Movement, in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Blair, Mrs Sarah Ann, Lately Community dir, Newcastle West End City Challenge Board. For serv Regeneration and to the commty in Newcastle upon Tyne. Boardman, Mrs Brenda, For serv Energy Efficiency. Bolton, Lt Cdr Gordon William, DSC, For serv the commty in Birchington, Kent. Bovill, Alexander, Member, North East Lincolnshire Council. For serv the Regeneration of Grimsby, Lincolnshire. Bowerman, Arthur Charles, For serv Oxhey Chapel and to the Churches' Conservation Trust. Brennan, Miss Patricia Iris, Senior secretary to the president and dir-General, Chamber of Shipping. For serv the Shipping Industry. Briskman, Jacob, For serv the Aylesbury Vale Race Equality Council, Buckinghamshire. Brodie, James Milne Spowart, For serv the Muscular Dystrophy Sufferers in the Lothians. Brown, James Grant, For serv Forestry and to the Arboricultural Industries. Brown, John, Lately Area mgr, Esso UK plc. For serv the Petroleum Industry and to Disabled People. Bruce, Miss Moira Elizabeth, Head of Pathology and Pathogenesis, Neuropathogenesis Unit, Institute for Animal Health. For serv the understanding of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. Bryant, Geoffrey Freeman, For serv the Workers' Education Association. Bryden, Mrs Ruby, For serv the Southern Housing Co-operative, Glasgow. Bullen, Mrs Dorothy Elizabeth, For serv War Pensioners and to War Widows in Cheshire. Bye, Reginald, Manager, Visitor Centre, Heathrow Airport, Brit Airports Authority. For serv the Rehabilitation of Young Offenders. Calcott, Frederick, JP, Postman. For serv the Post Office and to the commty in London. Cameron, Hugh, Retained Station Officer, Highlands and Islands Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service and to the commty. Cameron, James, Cattle Stockman and Bull Stud mgr. For serv Cattle Breeding. Campbell, Mrs Isabella, For serv Cycling. Canavan, Mrs Pauline Patricia, For serv Elderly and Disabled People. Carmack, John Francis Lewis, Grounds Superintendent, University of the West of England, Bristol. For serv Horticulture. Carr, Mrs Joy Amy, Lately Administrative assistant, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Carthy, Martin Dominic Forbes, For serv English Folk Music. Cartwright, Mrs Ivy, For serv the commty especially the Brit Red Cross Society in Thirsk, North Yorkshire. Cattaneo, Peter, Director, The Full Monty. For serv the Brit Film Industry. Cave, Mrs Joan Beatrice, For serv War Widows and to the ex-Service commty. Chambers, James, For serv the Tayside District Salmon Fishery Board. Champion, Noel Barry, PB8, Employment Service, Department for Education and Employment. Chapman, Barbara May, Lady, For serv the commty, especially the NSPCC and St. Clare's Hospice, in Cleadon, Sunderland. Chapman, Miss Diana Patricia, For serv as the Senior Appointments secretary to the Honorary Officers of The R Society. Chatterton, Mrs Monica Mary, Chief exec and Company secretary, Doorstep. For serv Young Homeless People in Grimsby and Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. Chaudhry, Bashir Ahmed, For serv Community Relations in Manchester. Christian, Sister Noreen, For serv Community Relations. Clapp, Mrs Helen, For serv the Guild of Registered Tourist Guides. Clark, Mrs Patricia, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Northumberland. Clarke, George Hamilton, Chairman, Ipswich and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality. For serv Community Relations. Hedley-Clarke, Mrs Maureen, Physiotherapist, Treherbert Hospital, Rhondda. For serv Health Care. Clay, Mrs Kathleen Joanne, School Crossing Patrol, Birmingham City Council. For serv the Safety of Schoolchildren. Clearie, Russell, Production Operator, Brit Steel plc. For serv Employee Relations. Clifton, Mrs Gillian, Caseworker, Crown Prosecution Service. Coffin, Mrs May, For serv the Mission to Lepers. Connolly, Miss Mary Catherine, For serv the Catering Industry and to Vocational Education. Connor, Charles Noel, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in West Kirby, Wirral. Cook, Mrs Pauline Elizabeth, Higher Library Executive, House of Commons. Cope, Albert, Milkman. For serv the commty in Heanor, Derbyshire. Cope, Roland, Member, Newark Town Council, Nottinghamshire. For serv the commty in Newark. Coppin, John Dallas Arthur, Secretary, Cornwall Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group. For serv Conservation. Corbett, Joseph Garth, For serv Young People, especially through The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Cork, Edward Alexander John, Mechanical Transport Fitter, Ministry of Defence. Costello, Mrs Elizabeth Mary, Lately Executive Officer, Benefits Agency, Department of Social Security. Cottee, John William Elliott, For serv the Russell Youth Club, Sneinton, Nottingham. Cox, Anthony David, Secretary, Skin, Hide and Leather Traders' Association Ltd. For serv the Leather Industry. Coyle, Mrs Florence, For serv the Edge Hill Youth Club, Liverpool. Crawford, Miss Elspeth, For serv Guiding in Ayr. Creer, Miss Dorothy, For serv Guiding and to Disabled Children in Ormskirk, Lancashire. Crews, Miss Anne Maureen, Research Grant Support Officer, Birkbeck College University of London. For serv Higher Education. Crocker, Anthony James, For serv Employment Training in Cardiff. Crome, Mrs Simone Cherna, For serv the Carers' National Association in Hounslow, Middlesex. Cronk, Mrs Mary, For serv Midwifery and to new Midwifery Practices. Cubin, Robert, JP, For serv the North Queensferry Heritage Trust, Fife. Culliford, Mrs Karen Elizabeth, Debt Management Unit Functional mgr, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Cunningham, Miss Sylvia, Senior Personal secretary, The Scottish Office. Cushley, John, JP, For serv the commty in Chapelhall, Lanarkshire. Daniels, Mrs Patricia Mary, For serv the Chester Childbirth Appeal. Das, Mrs Arati, Lately Executive Officer, Department of Social Security. Davenport, Robert Horace, General Medical Practitioner, Salford. For serv Medicine. Davidson, James Dow, Farm Machinery Workshop mgr. For serv Wilks Brothers, Murthly, Perth and Kinross. Davies, Miss Christine Mary, JP, Human Resources Projects mgr, Ordnance Survey. Davies, Mrs Elaine Ann, For serv Pre-School Education in Ebbw Vale, Blaenau, Gwent. Davies, Ieuan Lorraine, For serv Music in Tredegar, Gwent. Davies, William Alfred, For charitable serv the commty in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Davis, Mrs Frances Emily, For serv the commty in Barrow-upon-Soar, Leicestershire. Davis, Michael Norman Hundy, Principal Education Welfare Officer, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. For serv Education. Devenish, Mrs Marjorie Frances, For serv Mentally Handicapped People. Devereux, Kenneth William, For serv the Eighth Army Veterans' Association in North Yorkshire. Vita, Miss Charlotte Catherine Lavinia di, For serv Trade Plus Aid. Dibble, Raymound Stuart, For charitable serv, through Music, in Penarth and Cardiff. Van Dijk, Pieter Jakob, Lately managing dir, Peebles Hotel Hydro. For serv Tourism in the Borders. Dillon, Mrs Sheila Catherine, Domestic Bursar, Newman College, Birmingham. For serv Education. Dixon, Michael Francis, BEM, For serv Ski-ing. Dodd, David Arthur, Coxswain, Hoylake Lifeboat. For serv the RNLI. Doherty, James, Constable, Lincolnshire Police. For serv the commty in Louth. Donnell, Miss Elizabeth Anne, For serv Orienteering. Dooley, Matthew Laurie, Head Waiter, Marriot Government Services. For serv the Armed Forces. Dorman, Mrs Rose, President, Dalmuir Credit Union, Clydebank. For serv the Credit Union Movement. Dossor, Miss Sheila Lorna, Revenue assistant, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Dower, David William, Head of Sports, Bournemouth University. For serv Education. Downs, Ian Anthony, Revenue Executive, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Driffield, Garnet Walter, Guide, Bournemouth, Dorset. For serv Tourism. Drummond, Gavin Neill, Director of Cultural Services, Angus Council. For serv Library Services. Duke, Michael David, Custody Guard, Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street. Dummett, Mrs Marian Jean, For serv the commty in Cullompton, Devon. Duncan, Miss Edith, Teacher. For serv Dance. Duncan, James George John, Superintendent, Grampian Police. For serv the Police. Dunmore, Terence Charles, Sub Officer, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Service. Dunn, Allan Smith, Specialisation Shipwright, Babcock Rosyth Defence Ltd. For serv the Shipbuilding Industry. Dunwoody, Mrs Margaret, For publ service. Dykes, Peter Arthur, Training Systems Co-ordinator, Vickers Defence Systems. For serv the Defence Industry and for charitable serv in Romania. Eaton, Mrs Margaret Elizabeth, For serv the Police. Eden, Peter Anthony, For serv Young People. Edge, Miss Janice, Personal secretary, Health and Safety Executive, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Egan, Mrs Susan, For serv Midwifery in Amlwch, North Wales. Elliot, Angus, Worker, Camphill Village Trust, North Yorkshire. For serv the commty in Botton Village. Elliott, Mrs Maureen Eleanor, Lately Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Defence. Ellis, The Rev John Wadsworth, For serv the Shalom Youth Project, New Clee, Grimsby. Ellis, Miss Judith, For serv Paediatric Health Care and to Clinical Practice Benchmarking. Embra, Lawrence Dennis, For serv the Town Centre and to the commty in Birkenhead, Wirral. English, Mrs Kathleen, For serv Road Safety. Evans, Archie, For serv School Sport in Cumbria. Evans, Mrs Edwina Betty, For serv the R Berkshire and Battle Hospitals NHS Trust. Evans, David Edward, Constable, Cheshire Constabulary. For serv the commty in Malpas. Farooq, Mrs Ghazala, JP, For serv the Asian commty in Edinburgh. Farrant, John, Editor, Poultry World. For serv the Poultry Industry. Fawcett, Peter Ernest, Lately Governor 5, H.M. Young Offenders' Institution Portland, Prison Service, Home Office. Featherstone, Raymond Maurice, For serv Young People in Sheerness, Kent. Fenter, Dennis William, For serv the Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital, West Sussex. Fillingham, Mrs Jan Sylvia, Head of Exhibitions, BEAMA Federation. For serv the Electrotechnical Industry. Findlay, Miss Nora, For serv Arthritis Care in Aberdeen. Flaherty, David Peter, For serv the commty especially through Sporting Activities, in Northwich, Cheshire. Forsyth, Mrs Angela Mary, Deputy dir of Nursing, Cornwall Healthcare NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Fowler, Frank Henry, For charitable serv the commty in Moseley, Birmingham and overseas. Fox, Mrs Elizabeth Anne, For serv the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association-Forces Help in Wiltshire. Fox, Richard John, For serv the commty in Lyme Regis, Dorset. Frances, The Rev Nicolas Francis, For serv the Furniture Resource Centre Ltd, Liverpool. Francis, Mrs Penelope Ann, Puppetry Tutor, Central School of Speech and Drama. For serv Puppetry. Francis, Raymond Bentley, Prison Officer, H.M. Prison Grendon, Prison Service, Home Office. Freeman, Donald, JP, For serv the commty in Lossiemouth, Moray. Frith, Brian Chapman, For serv Local History in Gloucestershire. Furlonge, Miss Jane Olivia, Management Unit Liaison Officer, Department of Trade and Industry. Gagg, George Robert Wheelwright, Member, Everton Internal Drainage Board. For serv Land Drainage in the Doncaster area. Gale, Mrs Kathleen Joan, For serv the RSPCA in London. Gamble, Mrs Marion Diana, JP, For serv the commty in Nottingham. Gardiner, David Leslie, For serv the Cambridge Housing Society. Gardner, Allan James Victor, Proprietor, Seaton Tramway. For serv Tourism in Devon. Garrood, Miss Ann, For serv the commty especially Young People, in Pershore, Worcestershire. Garrett, George Stanley, Lately Senior General assistant, House of Commons. Gartland, Mrs Johanna, Sister, Woodfield Nursery, Oldham. For serv Children with Learning Disabilities. Gaston, Joseph Alexander, For serv Local Government. Gatehouse, Kenneth Ralph, Local Officer 1, Child Support Agency, Department of Social Security. Gavin, John Henry Alfred, For serv the Armitt Trust, Ambleside, Cumbria. George, Owen Arthur, President, St. Helena Association. For serv the St. Helenian commty in the UK. Ghauri, Muhammad Nazim Khan, For serv Community Relations in Merton, Surrey. Gibbs, Sarah Kaitilin, Lady, JP, For serv the commty, especially the Brit Red Cross Society, in Northamptonshire. Gilbert, Miss Helen, For serv the commty in Woodstock, Oxfordshire. Gillanders, Mrs Wilma, For serv Drug Education and Social Responsibility in Primary Schools. Gilliland, Mrs Doreen, For serv the Dairy Industry. Goddard, Mrs Joan, For serv the WRVS and to the Women's Institute in Ottery St. Mary, Devon. Godfrey, Robert Douglas, For serv Forestry and to Wildlife Conservation in Gloucestershire. Goff, Mrs Denise Anne, JP, For serv the Board of Visitors at H.M. Prison Bullingdon and to Visitor Training. Goldsmith, Mrs Carole, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Defence. Gomes, Buddy Edward Malcolm, Headteacher, Lyon Park Junior School, Wembley, Brent. For serv Education. Goodman, Mrs Agnes Anne, DL, For serv the commty in Northamptonshire. Goodridge, David, For serv Laboratory Control Systems at the Institute for Animal Health. Goodwin, Mrs Hazel, For serv the Safety and Care of Profoundly Disabled Children in Horsham, West Sussex. Gorman, Damian, Poet and playwright. For serv the Arts. Gorman, Mrs Eileen Rose, For serv the commty in Brixton, London. Gosling, Mrs Jean Emily, Compliance Executive, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Grace, Christopher John, Director of Animation, S4C. For serv Animated Films. Graham, Miss May Steele-Chesney, Catering Adviser. For serv the School Meals Service. Green, Mrs Betty Dorothy Mary, For serv St. Bridget's Cheshire Home, Rustington, West Sussex. Gross, Miss Eva Ruth, For serv the Parkinsons Disease Society. Gurton, Colin James, Senior Investigation Officer, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Gwilliam, Horace William, For serv Local History in Worcestershire. Haddow, Miss Jean Mary, Member, Fife Health Board. For serv the commty in Fife. Hague, Mrs Brenda, For serv the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Cardiff. Haley, Mrs May, For charitable serv the commty in Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire. Hall, Mrs Daphne, For serv the South East Essex Christian Hospice, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Hallwood, Mrs Gretl, Lately Deputy ch exec, Young Enterprise UK. For serv Young People. Hamilton, Joseph Robert Harold, For serv the Agri-Food Industry. Hancock, William R, For serv the Boys' Brigade. Hardie, William, Member, Scottish Borders Council. For serv Local Government. Harding, John James, Historian II, Ministry of Defence. Hardman, The Rev Leslie Henry, For serv the Jewish commty in Hendon, London and to survivors of the Belsen concentration camp. Hardy, Mrs Sarah, For serv the WRVS and to the NHS in Sunderland. Harper, Raymond Albert, Dental Maintenance, Guy's and St. Thomas' Dental Hospital Trust. For serv Health Care. Harris, Roy Andrew, For serv Conservation and to Wildlife in Orkney. Harris, Mrs Sandra Lou, For serv Victim Support in Lancashire. Harrison, John, JP, Works Convenor, Aerospace Group, Rolls Royce plc. For serv Trade Unionism and to the commty in Coventry. Harry, Mrs Ertrice Armene, Works Convenor, Hotpoint Ltd. For serv Employee Relations. Hawkins, Anthony George, Coxswain/assistant Mechanic, Dover Lifeboat. For serv the RNLI. Hawley, Kenneth Wybert, Honorary Custodian, Top Forge, Wortley. For serv Industrial Conservation in South Yorkshire. Hendy, Mrs Marie Stella, Administrative Officer, Department for Education and Employment. Henwood, John Philip, Group ch exec, Channel Television Group. For serv Broadcasting. Hepburn, Gavin Andrew Harley, Lately chm and managing dir, Fife Indmar plc. For serv Industry in Scotland.

Herbert, Christopher Robin, Financial mgr, Folkestone and Dover Water Services Ltd. For serv the Water Industry and to Scouting. Herbert, Mrs Lynda Mary, For serv Vascular Nursing. Hewitt, Thomas Jackson, For serv the commty and to Employment. Higginbottom, Mrs Gina, Lecturer in Nursing, University of Sheffield School of Nursing and Midwifery. For serv Health Promotion and to Young People. Higgins, David, Lately Maintenance mgr, Argyll and Bute NHS Trust. For serv the NHS. Hills, Mrs Margaret, For publ service. Hines, Terence Francis Charles, For serv Engineering and to the City of London. Hives, Godfrey Pearson, Lately head Verger. For serv Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire. Hockley, Brian, For serv the commty in High Easter, Essex. Hodder, Stephen Ray, For serv Architecture. Hodgkins, Peter John, Lately Higher Professional and Technology Officer, Ministry of Defence. Hoffman, Robin, QFSM, Sub Officer, South Wales Fire Service. For serv the Fire Service. Holden, Brian, For serv the Co-operative Movement and to Occupational Pension Schemes. Holding, David, For serv Wheelchair Sport. Hollis, Mrs Winifred Dorothy, Clerk, Brighstone Parish Council, Isle of Wight. For serv the commty in Brighstone. Holmes, Mrs Elaine Mary, Messenger, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Holmes, Mrs Joan Kathleen, Chaplain assistant and Organist, H.M. Prison Nottingham. For serv Prisoner Welfare. Horton, George, Shipping and Despatch mgr, Brit Tourist Authority. For serv Tourism. Houghton, Mrs Rachel Marjory, JP, For serv the Magistracy in Worcestershire. Hoult, Mrs Emily, For serv the commty on the Meadow-well Estate, North Shields. Howard, Andrew Carrington, Head of Road Safety, the Automobile Association. For serv Road Safety. Howard, Mrs Jean Margaret, For serv the commty, especially Guiding, in Surrey. Howlett, Maj Joyce Lillian, For serv the Salvation Army and to the Haven Children's Home, Sydenham, London. Hughes, Mrs Mary Anne, Chairman, Layer-de-la-Haye Parish Council. For serv the commty in Layer-de-la-Haye, Essex. Hughes, Philip, Lately Principal Prison Officer, H.M. Prison Stafford, Prison Service, Home Office. Humphreys, Mrs Joan Alma, For serv the Welshpool Victoria Memorial Hospital League of Friends. Hunter, Mrs Judith Cosker, Head of Nursing, Children's Services, R Victoria Infirmary Hospitals NHS Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For serv Health Care. Hutton, Nicholas James Anthony, For serv Investors in People UK. Hutton, Mrs Yvonne Graham, District Nursing Sister. For serv the commty in Kirkcudbright. Huxley, Mrs Muriel Joyce, For serv the Sea Cadet Corps in Wandsworth, London. Igoe, Martin Richard, Senior Training Adviser. For serv the Benevolent Fund, Department for Education and Employment. Ilsley, Gerald, For serv the commty in Spalding, Lincolnshire. Innes, Mrs Hilda May, For serv Action for Research into Multiple Sclerosis in Dundee. Jackson, John, Lately Infrastructure mgr, South East Water Ltd. For serv the Water Industry. Jackson, Melvin Arthur William, Principal Prison Officer, H.M. Prison Long Lartin, Prison Service, Home Office. Jago, Mrs Beryl Germaine, For serv the Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival. James, Christopher William, Sub Officer, Cheshire Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Brigade. James, Mrs Janet Celia, Personal secretary, Ministry of Defence. James, Mrs Jayne, Youth Development mgr, Cadbury Ltd. For serv Young People. Jesty, Mrs Eileen Mary, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in Camberley, Surrey. Johnson, Thomas William, Pearly King. For serv the commty, especially the NHS, in Bankside, London. Jones, Mrs Joan Ursula, For charitable serv the commty in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Jones, Raymond Lewis, Higher Executive Officer, Benefits Agency, Department of Social Security. Jones, Trevor Giles, Milkman. For serv the commty in Tredegar, South Wales. Jones, Wilfred Charles, Station Officer, Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Services and to Young People. Jordan, James Herbert Ernest, Landlord, Railways Arms, Saffron Walden, Essex. For serv the commty. Joynson, George, Assistant Estates Project mgr, Employment Service. Department for Education and Employment. Kelly, Mrs Nuala Teresa, DL, For serv Elderly and Disabled People, especially through the Brit Red Cross Society. Kelly, Peter Roy, For serv Conservation and to the commty on the Isle of Man. Kendall, Howard John, Senior Caretaker, Fosse Healthcare NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Kendrew, Mrs Petra Dorothee, Verger, St. George's Church, Bulford. For serv Service Personnel and their Families. Kent, William George, Deputy Section head, Department of Health. Kerr, Colin, For serv the Police. Khan, Ahmed Jee, Lately Headteacher, Charnwood Primary School, Leicester. For serv Education. Kidd, Miss Carol, Singer. For serv Jazz Music. Kilsby, Mrs Aves, For serv the Friends of the Bristol Oncology Centre. Kind, Alan Orson, For serv Age Concern in Leicestershire. King, Samuel Beaver, For serv the Caribbean commty, especially Education and Health, in Southwark, London. Kirk, Mrs Patricia Edith, Resident Warden, Station Court Sheltered Housing. For serv the commty in Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire. Knox, Miss Hazel Margaret, General secretary, Sandes Soldiers' and Airmen's Centres. For serv the commty. Langford, Hugh Donald, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in Anfield, Merseyside. Large, Mrs Barbara Alicia Annabella, Lately Education Co-ordinator, H.M. Prison Haslar. For serv the Welfare of Detainees. Law, Mrs Mary, Senior Personal secretary, Parliamentary Counsel Office. Lawrence, Capt Stuart James, R.D., Master, R Research Ship BRANSFIELD. For serv the Brit Antarctic Survey. Leader, Mrs Maud Elizabeth Eleanor, For charitable serv the Harestone Marie Curie Home, Caterham, Surrey. Lee, Miss Celia, For serv the commty in Bridport, Dorset. Leonard, Victor James, For serv Association Football for Young People and to Scouting. Dean-Lewis, Allan, Lately Force Commandant, North Wales Police Special Constabulary. For serv the Police. Lewis, Lennox, For serv Boxing. Lewis, William, Auxiliary Coastguard in Charge, H.M. Coastguard, Kettleness, North Yorkshire. For serv Safety at Sea. Lilley, Mrs Eileen Florence, Assistant Clerk, Worshipful Company of Plumbers. For serv the Plumbing Industry. Lloyd, Richard Faulkner, For charitable and commty service in Devon. Locke, Mrs Muriel Helen, For serv the Association of Wrens in Bromley, Kent. Long, Mrs Mary Rose, Postwoman. For serv the Post Office and to the commty in Bubbenhall, Coventry. Lowson, George Reginald, For serv the commty, especially St. Teresa's Hospice, in the North East of England. Lucas, Mrs Jessie Cooper, For serv the WRVS in Paisley. Lund, John, General mgr, Aircraft Production, Marshalls of Cambridge Aerospace Ltd. For serv the Aerospace Industry. Lyle, Mrs Barbara, Senior Personal secretary, Home Office. Macdonald, Mrs Margaret Christina, Sub-Postmistress. For serv the Post Office and to the commty in Tomich, Inverness-shire. MacGregor, Mrs Dorothy Eleanor Mary, For serv the Warrington Hospital NHS Trust League of Friends, Cheshire. MacLean, John Thomas Colville, For serv the commty in Lochgilphead, Argyll. MacNamara, Mrs Janet, Foster Carer. For serv Fostering in Edinburgh. MacPherson, Mrs Una Margaret, For serv Crofting and to the commty on Skye. Macqueen, Mrs Sheila Lydia Isobel, For serv Flower Arranging and to the commty in Hertfordshire. Manning, Mrs Phyllis Jane, For serv Scouting in Hackney, London. Marchant, Capt Frank Michael, Director, Marine Affairs, P&O. For serv the Shipping Industry. Marie, Robert Paul, For serv the commty, especially the Fun Run, on Jersey. Marsden, Michael Thorp, For serv the Yorkshire and Humberside Tourist Board. Marshall, Mrs Dorothy Irene, For charitable serv the commty in Lydney, Gloucestershire. Martin, David, For Counselling Services to IBM employees and to the commty in Inverclyde. Martin, Samuel Leslie, For serv the Far Eastern Prisoners of War Association in Merseyside. Massen, Bryan Philip, Secretary, National Association of Valuation Tribunals. For serv Valuation Tribunals. Matheson, Norman Alistair, Chairman, Grampian Hospitals Art Trust. For serv Enhancing the Hospital Environment. Matthews, Dudley Cecil Burgess, Director, Lower and Upper Avon Navigation Trusts. For serv Navigation on the River Avon. Mawhinney, Miss Audrey Agnes Alison, For publ service. Mawhinney, Mrs Lilian, For serv Local Government. Macartney, George William, For serv the commty and to Education. McClory, Sister Susan, For serv the Care of Children with Special Needs. McConnell, Alexander, For charitable serv the commty, especially the NHS. McEwen, William Halley, Lately Linen Services Production mgr, Ninewells Hospital. For serv the NHS. McGrath, Martin, Police Constable, Port of Tilbury Police. For serv the Police Force Federation. McIntosh, Robert, For serv the commty, especially Elderly People, in Cupar, Fife. McKechnie, Mrs Elizabeth Maria, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Norfolk. McKinnon, Robert Charles, National chm, Road Haulage Association. For serv the Road Haulage Industry. McLoughlin, Mrs Eleanor, For serv Local Government Management. McMullan, John, For serv the commty and to Prison Visiting. McMurray, Mrs Diana, Nurse/Business mgr, Arran War Memorial Hospital. For serv Health Care. McPherson, Mrs Catherine Fraser, For serv the R Brit Legion Scotland. Meadows, William Ronald, For charitable serv the commty, especially for sufferers from Multiple Sclerosis, in Rutland. Meredith, John James, For serv the commty, especially Elderly People, in Merthyr Tydfil. Merritt, Richard Edwin, Investigation Support Officer, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Middleton, Chadwick, JP, For serv the commty, especially the Far Eastern Prisoners of War Association, in Oldham, Lancashire. Millington, Rae, Fabrication Foreman, Brit Waterways. For serv Lockgate Manufacture. Milton, Mrs Evelyn Mary, For serv Water Customers in Central England. Missen, Philip Leonard, Member, Inshore Lifeboat Crew, Porthcawl Lifeboat. For serv the RNLI. Mitchell, Jack, For serv the Bradford Junior Attendance Centre and to Young People. Molyneaux, Mrs Dorothy Margaret, For serv the Service Institute Fund. Monaghan, Professor John Joseph, Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh. For serv Chemistry. Montgomerie, Colin Stuart, For serv Golf. Moore, The Rev Arthur Robert, For serv the commty in Southwick and Boarhunt, Hampshire.

Moore, Mrs Benita Lilian, Librarian. For serv Local History and to the commty in Lancashire. Moorhouse, Alan David, For serv Swimming in Burnley, Lancashire. Morgan, Mrs Lesley Georgina, Chief Pharmacy Technician. For serv Pharmaceutical Education in Wales. Morris, Bernard Hugh, For serv the Gower Society and to conservation in South Wales. Morrison, Anthony Patrick, For serv the National Association for the Development of Work with Sex Offenders. Morrow, Mrs Maureen, Human Resources consultant, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Morton, Sean John Anthony, For serv the Fishing commty and to the Environment. Moss, Mrs Iris, For serv the Motor Neurone Disease Association in Wirral. Mould, John Christopher D'Arcy, For charitable serv the commty in Littlehampton, West Sussex. Muir, Henry Norman, Foreman Mason, Historic Scotland. For serv Conservation. Munkman, Mrs Betty Lilian, For serv the commty, especially Elderly People, in Bedford. Nankervis, Michael George, Station Officer, Cornwall County Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service. Nath, Pathikonda Visvambara, For charitable serv the commty in Stanley, County Durham. Nelson, Mrs Margaret Anne, For serv the commty in West Sussex. Nesbitt, Mrs Ida Kilgour, For serv the Brit Association of Dental Nurses. Newbolt, Maurice Edward, Engineering mgr. For serv the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Nicholas, Miss Alison, For serv Women's Golf. Nicholson, Miss Hazel Mary Sarah, JP, Company secretary, Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England R Mail Steam Packet plc. For serv the Shipping Industry. Noble, Kenneth, Messenger, Lord Chancellor's Department. Nowell, John Edward, For serv the commty in Worsthorne, Lancashire. Nunn, The Rev Canon Peter Michael, Lately Chaplain, RAF Innsworth. For serv R Air Force personnel and their families. O'Brien, John, Headteacher, Cadle Primary School, Fforestfach, Swansea, South Wales. For serv Education. O'Brien, Mrs Penny Margaret, For serv the WRVS in East Sussex. O'Brien, Raymond, For serv the Army Cadet Force in Durham. O'Hare, Patrick James, For serv the Police. O'Neil, Mrs Sheila, Executive Officer, Government Office for the North East. Oatley, Mrs Marlene Rose, For serv the commty in Newcastle-upon-Clun,Shropshire. Oddy, John Michael, For serv OXFAM. Oram, Richard William, For publ service. Osborne, Christopher George, Judicial Taxing Clerk, House of Lords. Owen, Mrs Gwyneth Elizabeth Sol, For serv Music in Gwynedd. Oxford, Mrs Mary, For serv the Ormskirk Hospital League of Friends, Lancashire. Palmer, Fred, BEM, For serv Elderly People in Colchester, Essex. Panter, Mrs Eileen, Revenue Officer, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Parker, Aubery Leonard, For serv the commty in Trusthorpe, Lincolnshire. Parker, Mrs. Judith Ann, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Burns Unit, Northern General Hospital Trust. For serv Health Care. Parker, Mrs Mary, For serv the commty in Terregles, Dumfries. Parry, Mrs Mary Elizabeth, For serv Crime Prevention in Holyhead, North Wales. Parry, Terence Joseph, For serv Employment Training in Cardiff. Parsons, Miss Cathrine Mary, Matron, Strathcarron Hospice. For serv Terminally Ill People. Pastellopoulos, Andreas Elias, Principal Perfusionist, Cardiothoracic Services, King's Healthcare Trust. For serv the NHS. Paterson, George Boags, PB8, Employment Service, Department for Education and Employment. Patton, Miss Ann Doreen, Nursing Sister. For serv Accident and Emergency Nursing. Pearce, Mrs Josephine Mary, Member, Kettering Borough Council. For serv the commty in Northamptonshire. Peddle, Mrs Winifred Mary, For serv Young People in Berkshire. Penfold, Derek Harry, Management Unit Liaison Officer, Department of Trade and Industry. Pengelly, Raymond Peter, Senior Executive Officer, Health and Safety Executive, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Perrin, Keith Murray, Lately head, Flight Department, Civil Aviation Authority. For serv Flight Safety. Phillips, Andrew Harold, Forest Craftsman, Forestry Commission. Phillips, R. Ogwyn, Headteacher, Cynlais County Primary School, Swansea, South Wales. For serv Education. Phoenix, Mrs Rhona Jane, For serv Health Care in Flintshire, North Wales. Pickles, David John, Lately Deputy County Surveyor, Staffordshire County Council. For serv Highway Design and Construction in Staffordshire. Pierce, Mrs Juliet Rosemary, For serv Curriculum Development and to Further Education in Wales. Pitt, Ralph Alan, Lately Senior Storekeeper, Ministry of Defence. Plastow, Edward Arthur, Director, Britnit Ltd. For Safeguarding Employment in Basildon, Essex. Pleeth, Harry, For serv the commty especially Scouting, in Macclesfield, Cheshire. Poole, Frederick Thomas, For serv Blind People in Cambridgeshire. Poots, Mrs Annie Lowe, For charitable serv the commty. Prince, John, Lately Governor 5, H.M. Prison North Sea Camp, Prison Service, Home Office. Qureshi, Sardar Mohammed, General Medical Practitioner, Nottingham. For serv Medicine. Rabaiotti, Edmund, For charitable serv in South Wales, especially Care for Children. Rafferty, George Campbell, DL, Veterinary Surgeon. For serv Veterinary Services and to the commty in the Highlands. Ralfs, Kenneth John, Senior Professional and Technology Officer, Ministry of Defence. Ramsay, Mrs Pamrie Luasca, Press Office Clerk, Department of Health. Ranson, Melvyn James, Lately Inspector, Metropolitan Police. For serv the Police and to the commty. Ratcliffe, Graham Gordon, For serv Mountaineering and for charitable serv. Raynor, Rowland Gordon, Senior Technician, Environment Agency. For serv the Environment of the River Thames. Read, Jack, For serv the commty in Wrexham. Read, Mrs Joan, For serv the Jersey Association for Mental Health. Reed, Maurice Henry, For charitable serv in Northumberland, especially to Mentally Handicapped people. Reid, William, Motorman Grade 1A, Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd. For serv the Ferry Industry. Reynolds, Edward Mark Royle, Chairman, National Association of General Practitioner Co- operatives. For serv General Practice. Rice, Arthur Henry, For serv the R Brit Legion in Eckington, Worcester. Rice, Mrs Anne Elizabeth, JP, For serv the commty. Richardson, Mrs Margaret Freda, School Crossing Patrol, North Yorkshire County Council. For serv the Safety of Schoolchildren. Richardson, Melvin Orde Wingate, For humanitarian serv in China and Tibet. Richardson, Trevor, For serv the Kettering Scout Association, Northamptonshire. Richardson, William Pallister, Principal Teacher, Elgin Academy. For serv Mathematics Education. Ridge, Kenneth Arthur, For serv the commty, especially the Dame Hannah Rogers School, in Ivybridge, Devon. Rigby, Miss Rosemary Elizabeth, For serv the R National Institute for the Blind. Ritchie, Miss Julia Elizabeth, Head, Speech and Language Therapy Department, North Kent Healthcare NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Roberts, Mrs Joan Eryl, JP, For serv the Magistracy and to the Probation Committee in Powys. Roberts, Michael Herbert, For serv Photographic Journalism in North East Wales. Robertson, Mrs Carolyne Clare, For serv the Edinburgh Sick Children's Hospital. Robertson, Robin Andrew, General Medical Practitioner, Glasgow. For serv Medicine. Robinson, Ian, For serv the Yorkshire Air Museum. Robinson, Terence William, For serv the commty especially the Reserve Forces, in Merseyside. Roe, Barrie, Chairman, Technical and Operations Committees, SKILLBUILD. For serv the Construction Industry. Rogan, Peter Joseph, For charitable serv the commty, especially to sufferers of Epilepsy, in Liverpool. Rogers, Miss June Marjorie, Special School Nurse Adviser. For serv the Nursing of Children with Learning and Physical Difficulties. Roole, Miss Myrtle, For serv the commty in East London. Ross, Ian Robertson, For serv Shinty. Ross, Ronald Denoon, Lately Unit mgr, H.M. Young Offenders' Institution Polmont. Rossman, Geoffrey, For serv the commty in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Rowe, Mrs Barbara Ann, Staff Counsellor and Welfare Officer, H.M. Treasury. Rubenstein, Paul Samuel Philip, For serv Befrienders International and to the Samaritans. Sams, Ronald George, For charitable serv the commty in Hertfordshire. Sandhu, Darshan Singh, For serv Community Relations in Dartford, Kent. Saunders, Miss Jacqueline Patricia, Senior Personal secretary, Ministry of Defence. Scarlett, James Desmond, For serv the Study and History of Tartan. Scrine, Miss Joan Dorothy, For serv the commty, especially Homeless People, in Canterbury, Kent. Scutt, Ronald James Leonard, Voluntary Observer, Meteorological Office, Wrexham, Clwyd. Seaman, John Ephraim, For serv Local Government and to the commty, especially Education, in Cambridgeshire. Selfridge, Linton, For serv the Fire Service. Sexton, David Brinley, For serv Health and Social Care in the commty in Dyfed. Shah, Mrs Kusum Vinudlal, Executive Officer, Department of Social Security. Shakespeare, Mrs Dawn Doreen, School Crossing Patrol, Warwickshire County Council. For serv the Safety of Schoolchildren. Shakespeare, William Reginald, For serv the Llangollen Railway Trust. Shamim, Mrs Razia, Chair, Ashiana Housing Association. For serv Housing and to Community Relations in Rochdale, Lancashire. Shannon, Michael Ronald, Head of Maintenance, Dungeness A Power Station, Magnox Electric plc. For serv Efficiency and Safety and to the commty in Kent. Sharpe, Peter James, For serv the Police Mutual Assurance Society. Shearwood, Derrick William, Mayor's Attendant, Eastleigh Borough Council, Hampshire. For serv the Borough of Eastleigh. Shepherd, Mrs Shirley, For serv the North of Scotland Blood Transfusion Service. Shewan, Mrs Mary Barclay, Revenue Officer, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Shock, Colin Alfred, For serv the commty, especially Law and Order and Education, in Nottinghamshire. Shoesmith, Mrs Winifred Emilie, For serv Northgate House School, Chichester, West Sussex. Short, Norton Lynn, General Medical Practitioner, Kent. For serv Medicine. Simpson, Alfred, Voluntary Reserve mgr, Ebernoe Common Nature Reserve. For serv Nature Conservation in Sussex. Sinclair, Mrs Ruth, Senior vice chm, Children First. For serv the Care of Children. Skettos, Nicos, Lately Supervisory Clerk 1, Cyprus, Ministry of Defence.Skilton, Mrs Shirley Ann, Senior Personal secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Slattery, Mrs Isobel, Typist, Ministry of Defence. Smart, Michael John Joseph, Balloon Supervisor, Meteorological Office. Smith, David Allistair, Honorary secretary, Burnley and District Civic Trust. For serv Conservation. Smith, David Gerald, Lately Technical dir, International Combustion Ltd. For serv Energy Technology and to Export. Abel Smith, Miss Dorothy, For serv the Friends of the Historic Houses Association. Smith, Mrs Julie Mary, Charity Appeals Officer, Velindre Hospital, Cardiff. For serv Cancer Care. Smith, Mrs Margaret Goodlet, For serv the North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre Project. Smith, Mrs Muriel May, For serv the commty, especially Scouting and Guiding and to the Brit Red Cross Society, in Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire. Smith, Mrs Phyllis Beatrice, For serv the commty in Lampeter, Ceredigion. Smith, Vincent, Constable, Tayside Police. For serv the commty in Perth. Smith, William Gerard, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in New Milton, Hampshire. Snapper, Leonard Max, For serv the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in Westminster, London. Souster, Miss Barbara Ann, For serv the commty, especially through the Guild of St. Nicholas, in Islip, Northamptonshire. Sowerby, John Keith, Manager, Alhambra Cinema, Penrith, Cumbria. For serv the commty. Spanswick, Mrs Josephine Mary, Lately Governor, Notre Dame School, Southwark. For serv Education. Spear, Mrs Kathleen Carol, Home Care assistant, Devon. For serv the commty. Staley, Mrs Hazel, Personal secretary, H.M. Board of Inland Revenue. Stanley, Brian, Lately ch Clerk, Government Whips' Office. Staten, Darrol Andre, For humanitarian serv in Croatia and Bosnia. Stennett, Eunice Whitfield, JP, For serv the Afro- Caribbean commty in Manchester. Ward-Stephens, Mrs Edna Eileen, For serv the commty in Worcestershire. Stewart, Mrs Agnes, Vice chm, Southern General Hospital NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Stewart, Alec James, For serv Cricket. Stewart, Charles Frederick, Lately Lengthsman, Heslington Parish Council. For serv the commty in North Yorkshire. Stoker, Robert Burdon, For charitable serv Health Care and to the business commty in Manchester. Storey, Mrs Judith Marylin, For serv People with Learning Difficulties in Nottingham. Suleman, Ahmed Saeed, For serv Export to the Middle East. Sullivan, Patrick Thomas, For serv Police Partnerships and to the commty in Southwark, London. Swatten, Royston William, Customer Services mgr, Racal Avionics Ltd. For serv the Development of Computer Navigation. Sweeney, Mrs Brigitte, Lately Headteacher, St. Agatha's RC Primary School, Leven, Fife. For serv Education. Harper-Tarr, Mrs Lucy Elfrida, For serv the commty especially Scouting and Guiding, in Turweston, Northamptonshire. Taylor, Donald Leslie, Project mgr, Ashfield Homeless Support Group. For serv Homeless People in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire. Taylor, Geoffrey Reginald, Outside Broadcast Engineering mgr, BBC. For serv Broadcasting. Taylor, Thomas, Painter, Maintenance and Infrastructure Services, BNFL. For serv BNFL and to the Charity Snowball Committee. Templeton, Richard, For serv the Waste Management Industry Training and Advisory Board and to Environmental Protection. Tennison, John Michael, For serv People with Physical Disabilities, especially Spinal Injuries. Thomas, Mrs Frances Elizabeth Margaret, Executive Officer, Contributions Agency, Department of Social Security. Thomas, Huw Vaughan, Regional mgr, Meat and Livestock Commission. For serv Agriculture. Thomas, Joseph William, Council Member, Institute of Advanced Motorists. For serv Road Safety. Thomas, Mrs Judith Mary, JP, DL, For serv the Mercer Art Gallery, Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Thomas, Morgan Rees, Postman. For serv the Post Office and to charities in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Thomas, Morgan Stanley, For serv the 6th Battalion South Wales Borderers Comrades Association. Thomas, Stanley Jack Lane, Senior Scientific Officer, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence. Thompson, Clarence Cagetan, For serv Community Relations in London. Thompson, Samuel Brian, For serv the Police. Thomson, Mrs Elizabeth, For serv the Lochwood Church Playgroup, Glasgow. Tickner, Miss Molly Gwendoline Mary, For serv the commty, especially the Heatherley Cheshire Home, in Crawley, West Sussex. Tierney, Brian Gerald, For serv the Construction Industry Training Board. Tod, Alexander Arthur, For serv Pharmacy and to the commty in Fyvie, Aberdeenshire. Todd, Mrs Nancy Vivien, For serv The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Open Award Centre in Rochdale, Lancashire. Todd, Roy, For serv the commty, especially the Arts, in Alnwick, Northumberland. Townsend, Stephen, For serv the commty, especially Health Care, in Birmingham. Trencher, Mrs Claire, Director of Primary Health Care and Children's Services, Thameside Community Healthcare NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Trickett, Anthony Robert, General Medical Practitioner, Hoy, Orkney. For serv Medicine and to the commty in Orkney. Tunney, Paul, Research and Development Senior Officer, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Turner, Colin Anthony, Sub Officer, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Service. Turner, Leonard Samuel, Local Officer 2, Benefits Agency, Department of Social Security. Underdown, Capt Michael, Britannia Airways. For serv the Airline Industry and for charitable serv. Underwood, Michael, For serv the Worcester City Boxing Club. Underwood, Peter Edward, For serv the Ipswich Society and to Conservation in Suffolk. Veitch, Irvin, For serv People with Learning Difficulties in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Vellacott, William John, Farmer. For serv the Bicton Overseas Agriculture Trust. Vodden, Andrew William Albert, Energy mgr, Devonport Management Ltd. For serv Energy Conservation. Wahab, Mohammed Abdul, For serv the Asian commty and to Community Relations in Bristol. Walder, Mrs Daisy Miriam, For serv the commty in Telford, Shropshire. Walker, Mrs Roberta Grey, For serv the commty, especially the Brit Red Cross Society, in Northumbria. Wall, Harold William Stanley, Industrial Technician, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence. Walls, Arthur Sydney Elmer, Senior Test Pilot, GKN Westland Helicopters Ltd. For serv the Helicopter Industry. Walsh, Neil, Headteacher, Fairfield C.E. Aided Primary School, Warrington, Cheshire. For serv Education. Walsh, William Neville, For serv Rugby Union Football in South Wales. Warren, Kenneth, For serv Northamptonshire Victim Support. Warrington, Frank, For serv the Sea Cadet Corps in Bedford. Watkinson, Michael, For serv the Oxfordshire Association for Young People. Watt, Andrew Gove Freeman, Street Sweeping Orderly, Aberdeenshire Council. For serv the commty in Stonehaven. Wedgbury, Ernest Alan, For serv Blind People in Lincolnshire. Weightman, Mrs Mary, For serv Animal Welfare in Bedlington, Northumberland. West, Herbert Frank, Bus Driver/conductor, Stagecoach- Sussex Coastline Buses, Portsmouth. For serv Public Transport in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Whatmuff, David Miles, For serv the South and East Cheshire Education and Business Partnership. White, Peter, Presenter, BBC Radio 4. For serv Radio Journalism and to Disabled People. Whittaker, Mrs Susan Ellen, JP, For serv the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in Humberside. Wightman, Harold Roderick, Voluntary Observer, Meteorological Office, Wiltshire. Wilkins, John Anthony Francis, Editor, The Tablet. For serv Religious Journalism. Williams, Allan Desmond, For serv the Boys' Brigade in Newport, South Wales. Williams, Thomas Benjamin, For charitable serv in Swansea. Williams, David Charles, Road Safety Officer, Guild of Experienced Motorists. For serv Road Safety. Bennett-Williams, Goronwy, For serv Pharmacy and to Drug Users in Llandudno and North Wales. Williams, John Conrad, For serv the commty in Llanelli, Dyfed. Williamson, John McDonald, Lately Special Constable, Fife Constabulary. For serv the Police. Wilson, Mrs Catherine Mary, Manager, Schools and Colleges Education, Institute of Physics. For serv Science Education. Wilson, Dennis Alan, Manager Manufacturing, AWE Aldermaston. For serv the Defence Industry. Wilson, Mrs Pamela Ann, Teacher, Lowercroft County Primary School, Bury, Lancashire. For serv Education. Womersley, Andrew John, For serv Health and Safety in the Textile Industry. Womersley, Peter, Business Area mgr, North West Water. For serv the Water Industry. Wood, Edward John, Stonemason, Brit Museum. For serv Conservation. Davys Wood, Mrs Elizabeth Mary, For serv Miniature Painting. Woods, James Christopher, Senior Professional and Technology Officer, Ministry of Defence. Worsley, Mrs Lorraine Christine, JP, Community Broadcaster. For serv the commty in Manchester. Wyatt, Alan William, Vice chm, South Cambridgeshire District Council. For serv the commty, especially Foster Care and Music Conservation, in Cambridgeshire. Wynn, Mrs Sarah, Lately School Cleaner and Lunchtime Supervisor. For serv Education. Yaxley, Mrs Lynette Gay, Paediatric Diabetes Nurse Specialist, Norfolk and Norwich Health Care Trust. For serv Paediatric Health Care. Young, Laurence Mitchell, For serv the commty in Dundee.

Diplomatic and Overseas

Knights Bachelor

Lauterpacht, Professor Elihu, CBE, QC, For serv international law.


Knight Grand Cross (GCMG)

Williamson, David Francis, CB, Lately secretary-General, European Commission, Brussels.


Fort, Miss Maeve Geraldine, CMG, Brit High commissioner, Pretoria.

Knight Commander (KCMG)

Green, Andrew Fleming, CMG, H.M. Ambassador, Riyadh. Greenstock, Jeremy Quentin, CMG, Lately Deputy under-secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Rotblat, Professor Joseph, CBE, FRS, For serv international understanding.

Commander (CMG)

Bagshaw, Kerry, OBE, Counsellor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Boothby, Derek, Lately Department of Political Affairs, United Nations Secretariat, New York. Duck, Ivor Hywel, Lately dir of Fisheries, Secretariat-General, Council of Ministers of the European Union. Gass, Simon Lawrence, Counsellor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Goulty, Alan Fletcher, H.M. Ambassador, Khartoum. Hart, Roger Dudley, H.M. Ambassador, Luanda. Hay, Miss Barbara Logan, MBE, H.M. Ambassador, Tashkent. Owen, John Wynne, MBE, Governor, Cayman Islands. Reeve, Roy Stephen, H.M. Ambassador, Kiev. Rollo, James Maxwell Cree, Chief Economic Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Whittell, James Michael Scott, OBE, European Union Policy dir, Brit Council.

R Victorian Order

Knight Grand Cross (GCVO)

Ford, Sir Edward William Spencer, KCB, KCVO, E.R.D., secretary and Registrar of the Order of Merit.

Knight Commander (KCVO)

Hobbs, Maj Gen Michael Frederick, CBE, Lately dir of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Oswald, William Richard Michael, CVO, Director of the R Studs.

Commander (CVO)

Fleming, Thomas Kelman, OBE, Broadcaster. George, Sir Richard William, Vice-chm, The Prince's Trust Action. Gwynn-Jones, Peter Llewellyn, LVO, Garter Principal King of Arms. Parsons, John Christopher, LVO, Deputy Keeper of the Privy Purse and Deputy Treasurer to The Queen. Wightman, John Watt, CBE, R.D.*, W.S., Solicitor to The Queen in Scotland. Woodhouse, Charles Frederick, Solicitor to The Duke of Edinburgh. Worrall, Eric Arthur, Lately Deputy dir of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme.

Lieutenant (LVO)

Cowell, Joseph, MVO, Superintendent of the R Collection, Hampton Court Palace. Howell, Brian Neale, Forestry consultant to Sandringham Estate. Hynd, Neil Robertson, Regional dir, Properties in Care, Historic Scotland. Ricketts, Sidney William, Senior Veterinary consultant to the R Studs. Twining, Samuel Humfrey Gaskell, OBE, Lately Honorary Treasurer, R Warrant Holders Association. Vyvyan, Mrs Elizabeth Frances, Lady in Waiting to The Princess Margaret Countess of Snowdon.

Member (MVO)

Best, Sgt Roger Edward, Rty Protection Department, Metropolitan Police. Caesar, Gerald Arthur, JP, Lately chm, The Prince's Youth Business Trust, Lancashire. Dove, Miss Lucy Mary, Secretary to the Comptroller, Lord Chamberlain's Office. Hardy, Ian, Information Systems mgr, R Household. Harris, Inspector William Maurice, Rty Protection Department, Metropolitan Police. Hunt, Kevan, Lately chm, The Prince's Youth Business Trust, Nottinghamshire. Laing, Mrs Audrey Margaret, Deputy Visitor mgr, Windsor Castle. MacRae, Inspector Iain, Rty Protection Department, Metropolitan Police. Mann, Lionel Thomas, RVM, R Chef, R Household. Marshall, Allen James, Superintendent's assistant, R Mews, Buckingham Palace. McCartney, Martin Francis, Operations dir, Town & County Catering. Norrad, Mrs Corinne Albert, Principal secretary to the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. Pindred, George Chesterton, Lately Regional dir, The Prince's Youth Business Trust, Yorkshire and Humberside. Sharma, Mrs Chander Kanta, Invoice Clerk, Property Services, R Household. Williams, Mrs Manon Bonner, Assistant private secretary to The Prince of Wales.

Order of the British


Dame Commander (DBE)

Sutherland, Mrs Veronica Evelyn, CMG, H.M. Ambassador, Dublin.

Commander (CBE)

Cape, Donald Paul Montague Stewart, CMG, For serv Anglo-Irish relations. Dougall, Dr Vernon Roy, OBE, Honorary legal adviser to H.M. Ambassador, Buenos Aires. Vaughan, Professor John Patrick, For serv publ health overseas.

Officer (OBE)

Bacon, John Gordon, For serv children's welfare in former Yugoslavia. Bennett, Mrs Gillian, Head Historian, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Brinsden, John, For serv Brit business in Vietnam. Brown, Roger Hugh, Lately H.M. Consul-General, Sao Paulo. Burns, Monsignor Charles Vincent, For serv Brit-Holy See relations. Caston, Anthony James, Lately European Commission, Brussels. Docherty, Joseph Peter, Lately dir, Brit Council, Sierra Leone. Draper, The Ven Martin Paul, For serv the Anglican Church and Brit commty in France. Fereli, Melih Huseyin, For serv Brit-Turkish cultural relations. Froomkin, Saul Morten, QC, For publ service, Bermuda. Gallagher, Rodney Michael, Regional Financial Services Adviser, Caribbean Territories. Goss, Stephen Charles, For serv Brit commercial interests in Venezuela. Hemmings, Peter William, For serv opera overseas, latterly in Los Angeles. Hudson, Christopher Barry, For welfare serv the Brit commty, Riyadh. Ingram, Derek Thynne, For serv Commonwealth journalism. Jaques, Leslie Edwin, For serv Brit-New Zealand trade. Kareh, Rashid, For serv the United Nations Association. Lessing, Walter, For serv international relations. Mead, Philip, For serv the Brit oil ind, South America. Poole, Anthony Cecil, For serv Brit commercial interests, Malta. Poskitt, Dr Elizabeth Margaret Embree, For serv medical research, The Gambia. Quinlan, Anthony Graham, For serv Brit interests in the Middle East. Robinson, Simon, For serv Brit-Slovenian relations. Rose, Miss Andrea Lester, Director, Visual Arts, Brit Council. Simpson, Professor John, For serv nuclear non- proliferation. Taylor, Dennis Alan, MBE, For serv Brit Trade with Argentina. Walker, Richard John, Lately Brit Council, India. Weeks, Mrs Heather Marguerite, For serv the Ditchley Foundation. Wells, Derrick Edwin, For serv the power ind in developing countries. Wood, Anthony Arthur Carton, First secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Woodhouse, Dr Frank, Lately dir, Brit Institute, Florence.

Member (MBE)

Ainslie, Miss Margaret, For serv European studies. Arch, Heber Garth, For serv the development of the Cayman Islands. Beech, Leslie George, For serv the R Air Force Association, Belgium. Burchell, Geoffrey Herbert, For serv the R Air Force Association, South Africa. Clapp, Edward Christopher John, For serv Falkland Islands interests. Dawson, Clive, For serv Brit interests in Sierra Leone. Donaldson, Andrew Bell, For serv telecommunications and the commty in Vanuatu. Douay, Jack Everest Fowke, For serv the R Brit Legion, South West France. Fuller, Miss Rebecca Margaret Bernadette, Executive assistant, H.M. Embassy, Sarajevo. Georges, The Rev Reginald Cromwell, Honorary Chaplain, H.M. Prison, Brit Virgin Islands. Giorgi, Mrs Robin, Locally engaged officer, H.M. Embassy, Rome. Gould, Matthew Steven, Lately Second secretary, H.M. Embassy, Manila. Harvey, John Mardfin William, JP, For serv tourism and the commty, Bermuda. Haycraft, Mrs Penelope Isobel, For serv the commty, Brit Virgin Islands. Haynes, Thomas Stanley, For serv the Brit commty in Brazil. Healy, Lt Cdr Michael Rice, R Navy. For serv the Brit commty, Southern France. Henwood, Miss Jacqueline Susan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Howell, Hadford Sinclair, Local and Regional Commercial Officer, Brit High Commission, Barbados. Hudson, David Ian, For welfare serv the Brit commty in India. Isola, Mrs Rosie Blanca, For serv the Red Cross, Gibraltar. Jannaud, Mrs Gladys May, For serv Brit- American-Canadian relations. Jeffries, Miss Olive Mary, For serv poverty alleviation in India. Johnston, Miss Marilynn Jean, For serv publ health in Somalia and Afghanistan. Kuschel, Mrs Lynne, For serv sick children in Bosnia. Laine, Mrs Erica Suzanne, Brit Council, Hong Kong. Lane, Mrs Brenda Jean, For serv handicapped children in Yemen. Lee, Peter Gwilym, Honorary Consul, Pointe Noir, Congo. Lightbourne, Gustavus O'Neal, For serv tourism, Turks and Caicos Islands. MacCormack, Malcolm, For welfare serv Bosnian refugees. McAuley, Brother Paul Michael John, For serv education in Lima. McMahon, Keith David, Deputy head of Mission, H.M. Embassy, Yerevan. Mills, Sister Shirley Ann, For serv nursing training and publ health in Zambia. Monteith, Miss Annie Matilda Dora, For serv child welfare overseas. More, Henry Thomas, For welfare work among ex-service veterans, Belgium. Murphy, Mrs Amanda Frances, For service to publ health in Madurai. Murrell, Mrs Kathleen Ruth, For serv Russian studies. O'Farrell, Miss Susan Fransisca, For serv development in Indonesia. Owens, Patrick Eldred, Lately Second secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Perttunen, Mrs Jean Margaret, For serv Brit-Finnish academic relations and the commty. Place, Mrs Lynn Rose, Assistant to commissioner of Police, Bermuda. Platt, Mrs Rena Macfarlane, For welfare and other serv the Brit commty, United States of America. Roberts, Joseph Reginald William, Honorary Consul, Arequipa, Peru. Robinson, Miss Jill, For serv animal welfare overseas. Rotbart, Mrs Helen Lena, VIP Visits Officer, Brit Council. Scarsbrook, Mrs Margaret Ailsa, For serv education and youth in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Scrivens, Arthur, For voluntary welfare work in Romania. Smith, Philip Paterson, For serv the Brit commty in Barcelona. Soares, Mrs Hilary Carol Lorraine, JP, For serv the terminally ill, Bermuda. Young, Mrs Elisabeth, For charitable serv in Azerbaijan. Young, Mrs Marion, For serv development in Bhutan.

Royal Navy

Order of the Bath

Knight Commander (KCB)

Garnett, Vice Admiral Ian David Graham,

Companion (CB)

Phillips, Rear Admiral Richard Thomas Ryder, Thomas, Rear Admiral Paul Anthony Moseley,

Order of the Brit Empire

Commander (CBE)

Fish, Commodore Peter Attwood, R Navy. Hart, Commodore John James, R Navy. Stone, Commodore Paul Douglas, ADC, R Navy.

Officer (OBE)

Burgh, Cdr Campbell Donald de, R Navy. Gower, Cdr John Howard James, R Navy. Hulme, Cdr Laon Stuart Grant, R Navy. Laverty, Cdr Robert Edwin, R Navy. Macfarlan, Cdr Martin Duncan, R Naval Reserve. Maughan, Cdr Jonathan Mortimer Collingwood, LVO, R Navy. Smith, Cdr Clive Sherrif, R Navy. Sturman, Lt Col Matthew, R Marines.

Member (MBE)

Aldridge, CPO Physical Trainer Gary David, Barley, Sgt David, R Marines. Cheshire, Lt Cdr Michael, R Navy. Earey, Charge Chief Marine Engineering Artificer Donald Paul, D1566613K. Edwards, WO Brian Tiffney, Ford, Lt Cdr Nicholas Paul, R Navy. Gould, WO James Hyndman, Higham, WO Stephen Kenneth, Horn, Lt Cdr Peter Barrick, R Navy. Howe, WO Christopher Alan, Johnson, CPO Medical Support Assistant Colin Wynne, Livingstone, Lt Cdr David Lionel Harold, DSC, R Navy. Luker, Lt Cdr Geoffrey Peter, R Navy. McCallum, CPO Marine Engineering Artificer Anthony, Mead, Charge Chief Marine Engineering Artificer Richard, Metcalf, Lt Cdr Harvey Nevill, R Navy. Murnane, Lt Cdr Paul Martin, R Navy. Nolton, Lt Cdr James Raymond, R Navy. Scott, Leading Steward Gordon Crearer Fulton, Sewell, Lt Cdr Douglas Eric, R.D., R Navy. Smith, Capt Martin Linn, R Marines. Trewin, Leading Wren Paula June, Capps-Tunwell, CPO Air Engineering Artificer David John, Turton, Lt Cdr Trevor Martyn Howard, R Navy. Whiteley, Capt Christopher Vivian, R Marines.

The Army

Order of the Bath

Knight Grand Cross (GCB)

Mackenzie, General Sir Jeremy John George, KCB, OBE, ADC, Gen, late Queen's Own Highlanders.

Knight Commander (KCB)

Jackson, Lt Gen Michael David, CB, CBE, Late The Parachute Regiment.

Companion (CB)

Drewienkiewicz, Maj Gen Karol John, Late Corps of R Engineers. Richards, Maj Gen Nigel William Fairbairn, OBE, Late R Regiment of Artillery. White, Maj Gen Martin Spencer, CBE, Late R Corps of Transport.

Order of the Brit Empire

Commander (CBE)

Baly, Brig Richard Fenwick, Late R Corps of Signals. Goodsir, Col John, MBE, Late Army Air Corps. McGill, Brig Ian Donald Tyndale, ADC, Late Corps of R Engineers. Willis, Col David Richard Danyers, Late R Gurkha Rifles.

Officer (OBE)

Baylis, Lt Col David John Warwick, The R Anglian Regiment. Bergin, Lt Col Desmond John Anthony, Adjutant General's Corps. Braithwaite, Col Malcolm George, Late R Army Medical Corps. Checketts, Lt Col Timothy John, The Light Dragoons. Festing, Acting Col Robert Matthew, Northumbria Army Cadet Force. Figg, Lt Col Anthony James, Adjutant General's Corps. Mildinhall, Lt Col Colin Anthony, Corps of R Engineers. Parker, Lt Col Christopher John Raymond, R Army Medical Corps. Wilkinson, Lt Col Philip Roy, MBE, R Regiment of Artillery. Burch, Lt Col David Arnold, E.D., The Bermuda Regiment.

Member (MBE)

Adams, WO Class 1 Michael, Corps of R Engineers. Anderson, Lt Col Lawrence John Cleghorn, The Light Infantry. Ashbridge, Staff Sgt Lawrence Paterson, Adjutant General's Corps. Badgery, Maj John, The Light Infantry. Barden, Acting Capt Michael George, Bedfordshire Army Cadet Force. Barrett, Staff Sgt Stephen Peter Rigaud, Intelligence Corps. Baulf, Maj Colin Henry George, Army Air Corps. Betchley, WO Class 2 Terry Malcolm, Adjutant General's Corps. Carter, Maj Robert James, TD, R Corps of Signals. Carter, WO Class 2 Stephen Philip, The R Dragoon Guards. Clegg, Cpl Barry David, Adjutant General's Corps. Coey, WO Class 1 William George, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Collins, WO Class 2 Claude Gordon, The R Regiment of Fusiliers, Territorial Army. Coulter, Maj James, The R Logistic Corps. Curran, WO Class 2 Anthony Edward, Corps of R Engineers. Davey, WO Class 2 Kenneth Nigel, Adjutant General's Corps. Daw, Maj Terence Michael, The Princess of Wales's R Regiment. Douglas, Maj Graham, R Corps of Signals. Duncan, Lance Cpl Roderick Brian, R Corps of Signals. Edmonds, Maj Byron William, The R Regiment of Fusiliers. Espley, Cpl Eric Alfred, Corps of R Engineers, Territorial Army. Flower, Maj Lyle Thomas, Corps of R Engineers. Fox, Acting Lt Col Barry Ian, Dorset Army Cadet Force. Freeman, Capt William Howard, Corps of R Engineers. Friend, Maj Patrick Joseph, R Army Medical Corps, Territorial Army. Bromley Gardner, Maj Charles Anthony James, The Queen's R Hussars. Garrett, Staff Sgt Andrew Kevin, R Corps of Signals. Girvan, Cpl Alexander William, Corps of R Engineers. Gurung, Lt Balkrishna, MVO, The R Gurkha Rifles. Hadden, Cpl of Horse Malcolm James, The Life Guards. Haddock, Maj Nicholas John Rudyerd, The R Green Jackets. Halsall, Cpl Ann Charmaine, Adjutant General's Corps. Hayden, Sgt George Fitzgerald, The R Irish Regiment. Henderson, Maj William George, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Hendry, Sgt Stephen, The R Highland Fusiliers. Henson, WO Class 1 Richard Clive, The R Logistic Corps. Holmes, Sgt Kelly, Adjutant General's Corps. Vesey Holt, Maj Geoffrey Maurice, R Tank Regiment. Hopwood, Cpl Ross, Adjutant General's Corps. Howard, WO Class 2 David James, Corps of R Engineers. Ince, Maj Christopher Donovan Spike, Corps of R Engineers. Innes, WO Class 2 William Ovenston, The R Logistic Corps. Jolly, Maj Warren Stewart, R Australian Engineers. Alun-Jones, Maj Paul Henri Grant, The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment. Jordan, WO Class 2 Barry Nicholas, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. King, WO Class 1 Andrew John, R Regiment of Artillery. Labouchere, Maj David Henry, The Queen's R Hussars. Licence, Maj Alan David, Adjutant General's Corps. Lovegrove, Cpl Robert, Corps of R Engineers. Macrostie, Maj Stuart Keith, R Corps of Signals. McClelland, Maj Justin, Adjutant General's Corps. McCormack, Lt Richard Hedley, Coldstream Guards. Mendonca, Maj Jorge Emanuel, The Queen's Lancashire Regiment. Moncur, Maj Gillian Fiona, Adjutant General's Corps. Neill, WO Class 1 Christopher Terence, The R Logistic Corps. Nugee, Maj Richard Edward, R Regiment of Artillery. O'Neill, Maj Eugene Joseph, The Staffordshire Regiment. Palmer, WO Class 2 Derek William, Adjutant General's Corps, Territorial Army. Passmore, Maj Jonathan Edgar, Corps of R Engineers. Pearce, WO Class 2 Darren, The R Logistic Corps. Penniston, WO Class 2 Neil, Army Physical Training Corps. Proctor, Maj Patrick James, The R Green Jackets, Territorial Army. Ridd, Maj Steven, The R Logistic Corps. Robertson, WO Class 2 Gregory, R Corps of Signals. Robinson, Maj Robert, The R Logistic Corps. Rouse, Capt Brian, The Light Dragoons. Rush, Maj William Michael, Corps of R Engineers. Rutherford, Staff Sgt Lee, Corps of R Engineers. Shanahan, Lt Col John William, Corps of R Engineers. Sharman, Maj Stewart Roy, R Corps of Signals. Shields, Maj Peter Joseph, QGM, The R Logistic Corps. Smith, Colour Sgt Anthony Paul, Welsh Guards. Strangways, Sgt Julie Sharon, The R Logistic Corps. Tamang, Capt Karnasher, Queen's Gurkha Signals. Venning, Lt Col Richard Martin, The R Gurkha Rifles. Wallis, Maj Stephen Peter, R Corps of Signals. Watson, Maj Andrew, General List, Territorial Army. Weller, Staff Sgt Richard Geoffrey, Corps of R Engineers. Wells, Staff Sgt Malcolm Oliver, R Regiment of Artillery. Whitwam, Maj John Charles Edward, The R Regiment of Fusiliers. Williams, Lt Col Barry John, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Williamson, Maj James Stott, The Black Watch. Wilson, Maj Anthony David, R Regiment of Artillery. Wyan, WO Class 1 Steven Michael, Corps of R Engineers. Zambelli, Lt Col Keith Anthony, The R Dragoon Guards.

Royal Air Force

Order of the Bath

Companion (CB)

Goddard, Air Vice-Marshal Peter John, AFC, R Air Force. Jackson, Air Vice-Marshal Michael Richard, R Air Force.

Order of the Brit Empire

Knight Commander (KBE)

Terry, Air Marshal Colin George, CB, OBE, R Air Force.

Commander (CBE)

Cosgrove, Group Capt John Adrian, OBE, R Air Force. Heath, Group Capt Michael Christopher, R Air Force. Shedden, The Rev John, R Air Force.

Officer (OBE)

Amroliwala, Wing Cdr Feroze Fredoon, R Air Force. Doel, Wing Cdr Martin Terry, R Air Force. Evans, Wing Cdr Wyn Griffith, R Air Force. Hunter, Wing Cdr Peter Richard, MBE, R Air Force. Jermy, Wing Cdr Gerald Alan, R Air Force. Jones, Wing Cdr Edward Gareth, R Air Force. Jones, Wing Cdr Malcolm Hayes, R Air Force. Kilshaw, Wing Cdr Martin John, MBE, R Air Force. Laybourn, Wing Cdr Richard Alan, BEM, R Air Force. Mayes, Wing Cdr Robert Wilson, R Air Force. Pickerill, Wing Cdr Roy Anthony, R Air Force.

Member (MBE)

Andrew, WO Kenneth, BEM, R Air Force. Ashfield, Sgt Mark Harold, R Air Force. Barnes, Flt Sgt Jeremy Antony Richard, R Air Force. Clarke, Flt Sgt Anthony Michael, R Air Force. Coombes, Sgt Carl Vincent, R Air Force. Cowan, Sqn Ldr James Anthony, R Air Force. Coxon, Flg Off Frank Robert William, R Air Force Volunteer Reserve. England, Sqn Ldr John David Lewis, R Air Force. Furness, Cpl Philip James, R Air Force. Hartis, WO Neil, R Air Force. Hewitt, Flt Sgt Martin Stephen, R Air Force. Howells, Flt Lt Jeffrey, R Air Force. Johns, Sgt Simon Patrick, R Air Force. Killner, WO Robert Herbert Charles, R Air Force. Leese, WO Stuart, R Air Force. Leonard, Sgt Martin James, R Air Force. Mason, Sqn Ldr Robert Keith, R Air Force. McHugh, WO Redmond, R Air Force. Murphy, Flt Lt Christopher Mar

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