Thor: Ragnarok trailer easter egg hints at more heroes to come

Could Beta Ray Bill finally make his MCU debut

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 26 July 2017 09:30 BST
Thor: Ragnarok - Comic-Con Trailer

Over the weekend, numerous new trailers hit the Internet, including Justice League, The Walking Dead, and American Horror Story (even more were shown but not uploaded online).

Marvel also released the second trailer for Thor: Ragnarok, the Taika Waititi space-adventure-comedy that has everyone very excited.

Now fans have had a couple of days to devour the trailer, various Easter Eggs have been spotted, including one that may hint at numerous comic-book heroes to come.

At the beginning of the trailer, we see a huge totem pole featuring numerous large faces; turns out those faces likely belong to some well-known comic-book creations.

Facing centre and nearest to the top is Man-Thing, a large humanoid swamp monster who shares remarkable similarities with DC’s Swamp-Thing. A Man-Thing film was released in 2005 but was a huge box-office bomb, grossing only $1 million from a $30 million budget.

The one facing left, fans believe, is Beta Ray Bill, a horse-like alien or the Korbinite race. Notably, Bill turns from villain to ally in the comics, even wielding Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, for a time before receiving his own hammer, Stormbreaker.

Man-Thing, Beta Rey Bill, Ares, and Bi-Beast

On the same level, but to the right, is Ares, the Greek God of War and Thor villain who eventually became an anti-hero. Below him is the two headed Bi-Beast, an adversary of Hulk.

Marvel also released numerous new details regarding their other films at comic-con, including the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, which was never put online. However, descriptions of the footage — along with the Black Panther clip not uploaded — have made there way onto the Internet.

Thor: Ragnarok hits UK cinemas 27 October.

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