Suicide Squad: Watch first clip tease role of Cara Delevingne's Enchantress

'Meet the Enchantress... she's walked this earth for a very long time, and will likely be here when we're long gone' 

Clarisse Loughrey
Thursday 21 July 2016 11:47 BST

Hollywood's advertising campaigns have been suffering from a tendency to overshare.

Audiences are already feeling as if they've seen the entire film by the time they plonk themselves down on their cinema seat, with the latest TV spot for Star Trek Beyond even revealing the film's biggest twist.

Which is exactly where Warner Bros.' upcoming Suicide Squad has played things very, very smartly. On top of some sublime editing choices delineating DC's alternate offering as one of the most anticipated, and distinctive, films of the year; the advertising campaign has managed to turn out a huge amount of content while revealing precious little about the film's actual plot, choosing instead to go heavy on establishing mood.

We're only a couple of months away from release, and still no one's quite sure as to who the real villain of the piece is. Assumptions would make it the role of Cara Delevingne's Enchantress; she's heavily featured in the film's promotional material, without ever actually appearing alongside the Squad in any of the trailer's scenes.

Yet, the first full clip released for the film rather complicates things; leaving us with many more questions than answers, just as really should be the case if a film's hoping to entice anyone's curiosity. Here, we get the Enchantress introduced to a government panel by the ruthless Amanda Waller (Viola Davis); who tells those in attendance, "'Meet the Enchantress... she's walked this earth for a very long time, and will likely be here when we're long gone."

The fact Waller has a file on the Enchantress seems to suggest she's somehow involved with the formation of the Suicide Squad; we've seen the others' files before, and it's notable that photographs of Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) can be seen in the background of some of the shots.

But, since it's already pretty certain she won't form a final part of the team, that leads to the suggestion there may be some subterfuge or betrayal in the works here; could the Enchantress' magical powers spiral out of control, leading her to turn on those she once trusted? The mystery deepens.

Suicide Squad hits UK cinemas 5 August.

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