Suicide Squad: First full length photo of Jared Leto's joker revealed on front cover of Empire Magazine

The photo unveils yet more tattoos and style

Jack Shepherd
Monday 26 October 2015 16:17 GMT
Jared Leto plays iconic psychotic villain The Joker in Suicide Squad
Jared Leto plays iconic psychotic villain The Joker in Suicide Squad

Everybody's very excited about Suicide Squad, so much so that it’s easy to forget there’s a little film starring Batman and Superman on the way (well, not that easy to forget).

One of the major stars appearing in the film is Jared Leto, who will be playing the Joker.

The Batman villain was last portrayed by the late Heath Ledger, who was posthumously awarded the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in The Dark Knight.

So far we’ve only seen seen the upper torso of Leto’s Joker, but thanks to Empire Magazine we’ve been given our first full-length shot.

Jared Leto on the front cover of Empire magazine (Empire)

When the tattooed supervillain was first unveiled fans were quick to criticise his new look, particularly the “Damaged” tattoo on his forehead.

This is the first time we’ve had a good look at his chest, which seemingly has “Joker” written on it in capitals, with a creepy smile underneath. His clothing style has also been changed to be more in-line with his new tattoed style.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which is rumoured to star Leto’s joker in some capacity, opens in cinemas 25 March 2016, while Suicide Squad will reach cinemas 5 August 2016.

The December issue of Empire goes on sale later this week.

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