Star Wars 8: Kylo Ren actor Adam Driver compares Rian Johnson to JJ Abrams, says film has a 'really great script'

He added: 'I can’t wait to get on set'

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 30 March 2016 14:46 BST

Star Wars: The Force Awakens may not have been released on DVD yet but Rian Johnson has already started on the follow-up, Star Wars Episode VIII. While plot details are at a minimum, Adam Driver has given some insight into what we can expect.

“They’re still at war. It’s still Star Wars,” he told an audience at a special screening of Midnight Special, as noted by Entertainment Weekly. “They’re not at peace.”

His immediate comments may not have been overly insightful, but when asked about working with director Johnson he was a little more open.

Comparing him to JJ Abrams: “Their temperaments are different. I feel like there was so many moving pieces in the first one – just trying to solve it and set the vocabulary for what it was.

“There’s a lot of that anxiety is gone, because people have developed a language. I think it’s more of a testament to Rian coming into something very established and making it [his own].

“I can’t wait to get on set, just because he’s so unassuming and intelligent and approachable. The script they’ve come up with is really great.”

That’s a resounding thumb's up from Driver. We’re excited, to say the least.

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