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Oscar nominations 2018: The Shape of Water leads the pack as fan favourites Get Out and Lady Bird get nods - as it happened

What went down at The Academy's 5am announcement in LA

Oscars 2017: Best Picture confusion

Another year, another batch of Oscars nominations, and for once the general consensus is that The Academy got it right.

At an eye-watering 5.22am PST in Los Angeles (1.22pm GMT) the 2018 nominees were announced by Tiffany Haddish and Andy Serkis live from the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

As expected, Guillermo del Toro's surreal yet touching romance The Shape of Water picked up the most nominations, landing a sizeable 13, with Christopher Nolan's war epic Dunkirk and Joe Wright's Churchill biopic Darkest Hour following, albeit quite far behind.

Luscious movies Call Me By Your Name and Phantom Thread also made the big categories, along with indie darlings Lady Bird and Get Out. Respective directors Jordan Peele and Greta Gerwig managed to earn Best Director nods for their directorial debuts, Gerwig becoming only the fifth woman to enter that category.

Blade Runner 2049 and Star Wars: The Last Jedi also snuck into the mix thanks to the Oscars involving a larger number of technical awards.

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2018's biggest Oscar nominees
2018's biggest Oscar nominees (Graphic News)

The 2018 Oscars will take place on Sunday 4 March presented by Jimmy Kimmel.

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Shout out to Willem Dafoe (The Florida Project) who - about two months ago - was solid favourite to win Best Supporting Actor and has now been usurped by Sam Rockwell (Three Billboards) who took the Golden Globe AND Screen Actors Guild award

Kristin Hugo23 January 2018 12:27
Kristin Hugo23 January 2018 12:28

Paul Thomas Anderson gets it. Will the other voters?

Christopher Hooton23 January 2018 12:35

Best Supporting Actress looks like it'll be an old-school duke out between Allison Janney and Laurie Metcalf who both give entertaining turns in I, TONYA and LADY BIRD respectively

Kristin Hugo23 January 2018 12:36

A nice surprise? Holly Hunter in 2017's best comedy, THE BIG SICK

Kristin Hugo23 January 2018 12:36

Couldn't agree more, Isadora 

Kristin Hugo23 January 2018 12:37
Christopher Hooton23 January 2018 12:39

While we have you, spare a thought for 'the worst films of the year'

Kristin Hugo23 January 2018 12:42

Fun fact: While filming The Wire, Andre Royo, who played Bubbles, a drug addict, was approached by a Baltimore resident who handed him a package of heroin and said he looked like he needed a fix. Royo calls this his "street Oscar."

Christopher Hooton23 January 2018 12:42

Elijah Wood and Leonardo DiCaprio at the 1994 Academy Awards 

Christopher Hooton23 January 2018 12:46

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