Deadpool 2: Ryan Reynolds hints sequel may feature X-Men's Cable

"Your lips to God's ears, my friend. Believe me, that's being talked about." 

Clarisse Loughrey
Wednesday 20 January 2016 13:31 GMT

Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds is already dropping hints about a potential sequel for the meta-superhero flick. 

Fans gathered for an NYC event were treated with one heck of a surprise, as the actor dropped by to reveal they'd be privy to the film's first public screening. He also stuck around to chat about the film afterwards, with reporting a question on characters that had failed to survive the development stage.

"Taskmaster. We all [wanted him]," Reynolds was quick to reply, before revealing 20th Century Fox no longer owned the rights to the skull-faced supervillain and that they had reverted back to Marvel; "the studio just called us back and said 'cha-ching'."

However, as the actor slipped into a discussion of "making more of these", the room went wild. Which isn't surprising, considering initial reactions from this first screening appear to be overwhelmingly positive. On hearing a shout demanding a follow-up Cable and Deadpool film, Reynolds then teased; "your lips to God's ears, my friend. Believe me, that's being talked about." 

In the comics, Cable is son to X-Men members Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor (clone of Jean Grey). A time-traveler, the soldier uses his knowledge of the future to fuel his ongoing efforts to ensure a better present. The pair were briefly, and popularly, teamed up for a series entitled Cable and Deadpool. 

If Deadpool does really go ahead with a sequel, and it's R-rating risk proves a box office success, it does seem extremely likely Cable will be making an appearance. The character's series with Deadpool won itself a pretty devoted fanbase, and director Tim Miller has already been quoted as saying: "There aren’t really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable. If we don’t put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we’ll be run out of town on a rail."

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