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Cinema: Confused? You won't be


Tim Walker
Thursday 01 March 2012 01:00 GMT
The latest poster for 'Avengers Assemble'
The latest poster for 'Avengers Assemble'

The latest poster for superhero movie The Avengers features Iron Man, about to deliver an energy bolt (or something) to some off-camera baddie. Nearby, Captain America and Thor, God of Thunder, stare heroically into the middle distance.

In the background, The Incredible Hulk rampages down a Manhattan avenue. And yet, due to concerns that British audiences might mistake the film for the popular 1960s TV serial of the same name, in which a man in a bowler hat and his glamorous assistant solve crimes, the film has now been rechristened Avengers Assemble in the UK. I suppose, if you squinted a bit, you could mistake Scarlett Johansson for Diana Rigg.

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