Pappy's Fun Club: Funergy, Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh

Julian Hall
Thursday 14 August 2008 00:00 BST

If.comedy nominees last year, Pappy's Fun Club are back with a fairly loveable, knockabout romp. Funergy is less successful than last year's show, however, mainly because it has fewer ensemble pieces and only a token narrative.

Pappy's personification parade would be a good alliterative way to categorise what the group's shtick is, and they successfully bring to life numerous constructs in their shows. Last year it was the directions left, right, up and down, this year the internet. There's an attempt to do the same with cities this year, which is nice enough but lacks the charm of previous endeavours.

By far the most successful sketch is the contest between the internet and an owl to see who can impart the quickest, most accurate information, played out in word and in song. "You need a re-boot/you need a vet," they sing to each other.

The choreographed ad-libbing and corpsing inevitably suffer from the law of diminishing returns, but the young fans of Pappy's – Pappy's puppies, if you will – generally leave with their tails wagging.

To 25 August (0131-556 6550)

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