
Friday 19 February 1999 00:02 GMT


The Duke of York, 39; Maj-Gen Peter Baldwin, consultant, Television Corporation, 72; Sir John Collyear, former chairman, USM Texon, 72; The Rev Gwynne Henton Davies, Principal Emeritus, Regent's Park College, Oxford, 93; Sir Nicholas Fenn, former High Commissioner to India, 63; Lord Forbes, premier Lord of Scotland, 81; Mr John Freeman, international relations consultant and former diplomat, 84; Lord Henniker, former ambassador, 83; Mr Andrew Jameson, swimmer, 34; Dr Robin Jeffrey, chairman and chief executive, Scottish Nuclear, 60; Miss Hana Mandlikova, tennis champion, 37; Professor Bernard Meadows, sculptor, 84; Dr Alan J. Munro, Master, Christ's College, Cambridge, 60; Sir John N. Nicholson, former chairman, Ocean Steam Ship Co, 88; Sir Daniel Pettit, former chairman, National Freight Corporation, 84; Mrs Erin Pizzey, founder of homes for battered women, and writer, 60; Mr Peter Price, former MEP, 57; Mr Smokey Robinson, singer, 59; Mr Colin Sharman, senior partner, KPMG, 56; Mr Brian Tesler, former deputy chairman, LWT (Holdings), 70; Dr Jenny Tonge MP, 58.

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