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Local elections results – live: Labour win in West Midlands and London as Sunak facing fresh rebellion

Labour’s Sadiq Khan secures third term as Mayor of London, beating Conservative Susan Hall

Sadiq Khan casts his vote in the London Mayoral election

Rishi Sunak is facing fresh Conservative unrest after Labour claimed victory in the West Midlands mayoral election, beating Andy Street in a tight race.

The newly elected mayor, Richard Parker, secured a majority against his Conservative opponent who has served two terms and held office since 2017.

The result is the latest in a string of Labour mayoral and council wins nationwide as the Conservatives suffered historic blows. “I don’t think he’s out of the woods,” a former minister told the Financial Times, referring to Mr Sunak’s position.

Meanwhile, Labour’s Sadiq Khan secured a third term as Mayor of London beating Conservative Susan Hall.

Mr Sunak also suffered terrible losses in council elections as the Conservatives lost more than 400 councillors and control of ten councils.

State of play

Total no of councils - Lab 50 (+8) | Lib Dem: 12 (+ 2)| Con: 6 (-10) | Ind & Others: 1 (+1) | Greens: 0 | NOC: 36 (-1)

Councillors - Lab 1,140 (+185) | Lib Dem: 521 (+104) | Con: 513 (-473) | Ind & Others: 228 (+93) | Green: 181 (+74) | RA 48 (+11) | Workers Party of Britain 4 (+4) | Reform 2 (+2)


Count Binface says he will stand at the General Election

Count Binface said this election has been his “most towering achievement”.

He told The Independent: “Over 20,000 votes from humans in a first past the post system. That is unheard of from an alien standing in a UK election.

“I have defeated Britain First and if you can’t be happy about that and it doesn’t shine a ray of hope for the majority of humans in this fair city and indeed Fair Nation, I don’t know what does.

Mr Binface added he refuses to believe Rishi Sunak will still be prime minister by the General Election.

“Yes, I’m going stand – of course I will,” he said.

“I’m very intrigued to have another holiday on earth when the general election comes, which can’t be soon enough.

“Whoever the prime minister is at that point, I’d be very excited to potentially pay their constituency a visit.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:53

Labour holds in Salford

Labour’s Paul Dennett stays on as mayor of Salford with 30,753 votes.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:43

London mayoral election after all 14 constituency results declared:

(PA Wire)
Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:35

Live: Results declared in London mayoral elections

Labour has declared victory in London as Sadiq Khan to is re-elected as the Mayor of London.

Mr Khan secured his third term in office with just over 1,088,000 votes, a majority of some 275,000 over Conservative rival Susan Hall, who secured just under 813,000 votes. This means that the Labour politician received 43.8 per cent of the voter share to Ms Halls 32.7 per cent.

Sir Keir had signalled he was confident of Mr Khan’s victory before declarations commenced, as he counted mayoral victories for his party in Liverpool, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, and in Greater Manchester where Andy Burnham returned to power.

Labour declares victory in London mayor race as Sadiq Khan is re-elected

The result follows a difficult campaign for both Labour and the Conservatives

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:29

‘Bundle’ recount ordered in Birmingham for West Midlands mayor

A partial “bundle” recount has been ordered in Birmingham for the election of the West Midlands mayor.

As piles of ballot papers were moved onto desks nearer the stage at the International Convention Centre, an official announcement said a bundle check would take place.

The announcer told party activists to ensure counting agents were available to supervise and observe the checks.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:19

Incumbent mayor Sadiq Khan beat his nearest rival, Conservative candidate Susan Hall, in a contest dominated by criticisms of his decision to expand London’s ultra low emission zone.

Sir Keir had signalled he was confident of Mr Khan’s victory before declarations commenced, as he counted mayoral victories for his party in Liverpool, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, and in Greater Manchester where Andy Burnham returned to power.

In a fresh challenge to the Prime Minister to call an election, Sir Keir said: “Fourteen years and, I am sorry, I don’t care which political party you support, if you leave your country in a worse state than when you found it 14 years later, you do not deserve to be in government for a moment longer.”

Mr Khan needed to win a simple majority of ballots cast, as the rules for the mayoral race were changed to a first-past-the-post voting system ahead of the latest election.

(PA Wire)
Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:15

Sadiq Khan wins historic third term as London mayor

Labour’s Sadiq Khan has secured a third term as Mayor of London beating Conservative Susan Hall.

Mr Khan secured just over 1,088,000 votes to be re-elected London Mayor, a majority of some 275,000 over Conservative rival Susan Hall, who secured just under 813,000 votes.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 16:06

Sadiq Khan wins Lambeth and Southwark

The final count goes to Sadiq Khan as he wins Lambeth and Southwark by a mile, taking home 106,861 while Susan Hall gains only 26,347.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 15:57

Susan Hall wins Havering and Redbridge

Susan Hall – 82,859

Sadiq Khan – 50,780

Jabed Ahmed4 May 2024 15:53

Susan Hall wins Croydon and Sutton

Results for Croydon and Sutton:

Susan Hall – 78,790

Sadiq Khan – 59,482

Maryam Zakir-Hussain4 May 2024 15:48

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