Police dog performs CPR on 'collapsed' officer

Service animal Poncho lauded a 'hero' after showcasing lifesaving skills 

Lucy Pasha-Robinson
Tuesday 26 June 2018 12:37 BST
Spanish police dog gives officer CPR in training drill

A Spanish police dog has been seen performing CPR on a seemingly collapsed officer in a video that has taken the internet by storm.

The footage shows the service animal, named Poncho, with a blue police light strapped to his back performing his lifesaving skills on the officer during a training day.

The clip shows Poncho running towards towards the lifeless policeman as he pretends to collapse.

The dog then repeatedly jumps on his chest in a bid to restart his heart, and nestles his head into the officer's neck, apparently to check his pulse.

The video was shared to Twitter by the Municipal Police of Madrid alongside the caption: "Heroic performance of Poncho, who did not hesitate for an instant to 'Save the Life' of the agent, practising #CRP in a magisterial way. The dog is the only being in the world that will love you more than you love Yourself - John Billings."

The footage has since been shared more than 12,000 times, with users on social media praising the service animal for his incredible skills.

Poncho is not the first dog to be trained in lifesaving techniques.

In 2017, a German shepherd seemingly saved his owner in a display at the Crufts dog show.

Deril was seen jumping on owner Lusy Imbergova's chest during a four-minute military-themed routine.

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