On the ground

Refugees, mass graves and liberation: A year on the ground in Ukraine – in pictures from The Independent’s Bel Trew

Across multiple trips since the start of Russia’s invasion, Bel Trew has been charting the devastating impact of the war on people all over Ukraine

Saturday 25 February 2023 11:50 GMT
An elderly resident of Bakhmut cries as she marks the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
An elderly resident of Bakhmut cries as she marks the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (Bel Trew)

At dawn on 24 February 2022 Russia shook the world by invading Ukraine, launching the bloodiest war in Europe in generations.

International Correspondent for The Independent, Bel Trew crossed the land border from Poland and began documenting the destruction, as millions of desperate Ukrainians were forced to flee their homes. She has spent a year photographing the devastating impact of the conflict on civilians across the country.

Twelve months on, as Russia has only ratchet up its attacks in the east and the south, there is little hope of peace.

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