
These are the worst shops in Britain

These are the worst shops in Britain

A new poll has revealed the best and worst shops in the UK based on criteria including prices, environment, customer service and the range and quality of products.

The highest-performing retailer is on a winning streak – it also came top last year – but the lowest performing shop of 2014 doesn’t seem to have learnt its lesson. It has retained its place at the bottom of the list.

Top five stores

1 Lush 2 John Lewis 3 Independent DIY and decorating shops 4 = Richer Sounds 4 = Screwfix

Bottom five stores

96 = BHS 96 = H&M 98 Topshop/Topman 99 WHSmith 100 EE

(Poll: Which?)

More: These are the best fish and chip shops in Britain

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