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Coloured uPVC windows: Advantages, types and cost explained

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UPVC windows have long been a top choice for homeowners due to their high durability, cost-effectiveness, low maintenance and recyclability. Until recently, the classic white design was predominant in most houses. However, the latest trend sweeping the home design industry is coloured uPVC windows. This innovative idea has added an exciting dimension to these windows, transforming them into fashionable and dynamic elements in residential properties.

Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, or uPVC, is a rigid form of PVC known for its robustness and insulating properties. These characteristics make uPVC windows ideal for withstanding adverse weather conditions while ensuring energy efficiency. With the advent of coloured uPVC windows, the benefits have been taken further by integrating a splash of colour into their design, offering an attractive alternative to the traditional white finish. 

One key advantage of coloured uPVC windows is their ability to retain their vibrant hues over time. The colouring process involves the hue being imbued into the uPVC material, preventing it from peeling, fading, or flaking. Consequently, the colour should stand the test of time, with the windows maintaining their visual appeal despite the elements.

Coloured windows also add a unique touch that enhances your home’s kerb appeal, setting it apart from others in the neighbourhood. As a result, they can increase the market value and make your property more appealing to potential buyers.

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What uPVC window colours are available?

dark green coloured uPVC windows
Dark green uPVC windows look stylishly contemporary paired with red brick walls (Adobe)

The colour palette for uPVC windows is impressively diverse, offering an expansive range of shades to match every taste and architectural style.

For those seeking a contemporary look, various shades of grey uPVC windows give your property a sleek and modern appearance. Anthracite grey, in particular, has become increasingly popular due to its ability to offer a stylish, high-end look. 

If your home is more traditional, there are classic colours such as green, reminiscent of the timeless elegance of heritage properties – the Georgians, for example, particularly favoured dark green window frames – or a rich, elegant black uPVC, which adds a touch of sophistication to any building.

For the adventurous, vibrant colours, including red or blue hues, are also available. These can transform a property’s aesthetic, creating a striking exterior, while pastels such as cream, lavender, or peach lend homes a subtle, tasteful style.

An innovative design solution, dual-colour windows allow homeowners to select different colours for the interior and exterior of their frames. These provide additional flexibility in matching the windows with the exterior facade and interior decor.

The spectrum of available colours for uPVC windows ensures something to suit every style and taste, allowing homeowners to personalise their homes. Whether you wish for your windows to blend seamlessly with the rest of your property or to stand out as a bold design feature, there are window colours to match.

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Coloured uPVC window styles

The versatility of coloured uPVC windows extends beyond their colour palette. There are many different types of windows available that cater to any architectural design, from traditional homes to contemporary properties.

Coloured uPVC casement windows

These are the most common style of windows and can be designed to open outwards or inwards. They are available in many configurations and are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their simplicity and functionality. Casement windows in bold colours result in an eye-catching statement, while softer hues blend seamlessly into the home’s exterior.

Colour uPVC sash windows

Characterised by a horizontal sliding operation, sash windows offer a sleek, contemporary twist on the Georgian, Victorian, and Edwardian architectural styles. Running from around 1715 through to the early 1900s, homeowners who could afford to often painted their window frames rich blues or greens and incorporated stained glass panels – particularly popular in the Victorian era. 

Modern coloured uPVC sash windows can either replicate the traditional look or display something completely different, depending on whether your property is listed. 

Coloured uPVC bay and bow windows

Bay windows protrude from the building’s exterior, offering a panoramic view and allowing more natural light to enter. Bow windows are much the same but have a more rounded shape. A distinctive colour can enhance their architectural charm, turning them into an eye-catching feature.

Coloured uPVC tilt and turn windows

Versatile tilt and turn windows open from the side or the top, depending on the ventilation required. The mechanism combined with a custom colour can create a unique and striking design feature.

Coloured uPVC windows cost

The cost of uPVC windows can vary significantly based on various factors, including the size of the windows, the colour chosen, the style of the windows, and the installation costs. The type of property can also impact the price. 

In general, coloured uPVC windows are around 10 per cent more expensive than their standard white counterparts due to the complex process of adding colour to uPVC. 

The typical prices of uPVC casement windows – both white and coloured, across a range of property types – are shown below.

Type of property Number of windows White uPVC casement prices Coloured uPVC casement prices
Flat 4 £600 – £1,800 £660 – £1,980
Mid-terrace 12 £1,800 – £5,400 £1,980 – £5,940
Semi-detached 15 £2,250 – £6,750 £2,475 – £7,425
Detached 20 £3,000 – £9,000 £3,300 – £9,900

It’s important to note that while the upfront cost of coloured uPVC windows may be higher, they can offer long-term value. Their durability and resistance to fading mean they maintain their aesthetic appeal for many years without requiring repainting or significant care, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Contacting professional uPVC window companies is always best for an accurate quotation. They can provide a detailed estimate based on the specific requirements of your project.

Coloured uPVC windows pros and cons

Yellow uPVC coloured windows
Coloured uPVC windows are vibrant, brightening up any home’s exterior, but they tend to be more expensive (Adobe)

While coloured windows are becoming increasingly popular as homeowners look for ways to personalise their properties and add an extra touch of style, like any home improvement decision, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons.


  • Aesthetic appeal: Coloured uPVC windows add a unique aesthetic to your home. They allow for a greater range of design possibilities, enabling you to match or contrast your window frames with your property’s exterior
  • Durability: The colour in these windows is integrated into the uPVC, making them highly resistant to fading, peeling, or chipping and maintaining their vibrant appearance for many years
  • Low maintenance: Similar to standard uPVC windows, coloured versions require minimal maintenance. They don’t need to be repainted or varnished – a simple clean will keep them looking good
  • Property value: Given their aesthetic appeal and durability, coloured uPVC windows can enhance your property’s kerb appeal, potentially increasing its market value


  • Cost: Coloured uPVC windows are generally more expensive than standard white ones due to the additional process of impregnating the material with colour
  • Limited colour changes: Once you choose a colour for your windows, you can’t easily change it. Unlike wooden windows, which can be sanded and repainted, uPVC windows are designed to maintain their original colour
  • Potential style limitations: While a wide range of colours are available, not every shade is possible with uPVC. Also, if you change your home’s exterior colour scheme, your windows might not match the new design

What to look for in a coloured uPVC windows quote

When seeking a quote for coloured uPVC windows, pay attention to the details. Ensure the quote includes all costs, including the windows, installation, additional materials, and potential disposal of old windows. Make sure the window specifications align with your requirements. 

Comparing quotes from a number of local installers is crucial to establish the average costs. However, the lowest quote may not necessarily offer the best value. Consider factors such as the window’s quality, the installer’s reputation, and warranty terms. By thoroughly examining multiple quotes, you’ll be in a stronger position to secure a balance of cost, quality, and service that best suits you.

Frequently asked questions about coloured uPVC windows

Coloured uPVC windows are typically more expensive than their standard white counterparts, primarily due to the additional process required to integrate the colour into the uPVC material. The cost can vary depending on the specific colour and finish, as some hues and effects might be more complex to achieve than others.

However, while the initial cost of coloured windows may be higher than white uPVC, they can offer excellent value over time. The colour is highly durable and doesn’t fade, chip, or peel, allowing them to keep their vibrant appearance for many years. This long-lasting quality can make them a cost-effective choice. You could be eligible for a replacement window grant if you qualify, so it’s worth a check before you order your new windows.

Changing the colour of uPVC windows is possible, but it’s not as straightforward as repainting wooden frames.

The process usually involves a specialist uPVC paint or coating that adheres to the surface of the frames. These paints are designed to be hard-wearing and resistant to UV rays and weathering, so the new colour should last for many years.

uPVC windows can be painted, but it requires a specific process and the right type of paint to ensure a durable and attractive finish. Before painting your windows, you should check with your installer to make sure it won’t void any remaining warranty. Some companies do this to ensure they won’t be liable for any damage or increased wear and tear due to improper painting.

Firstly, cleaning the windows thoroughly is crucial, removing any dust, grime or grease. Then, the surface of the uPVC should be lightly abraded or sanded to create a ‘key’ for the paint to adhere to.

A high-quality primer designed for plastics needs to be applied next. The primer serves as an intermediary layer that binds the paint to the uPVC surface, promoting better adhesion and durability of the topcoat.

Finally, a specially formulated paint should be used for the topcoat. uPVC paint is weather and UV-resistant, ensuring it won’t crack, peel, or fade over time. It comes in a wide range of colours, allowing for considerable flexibility in changing the look of your windows.

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Windows cost calculator

See how much it would cost to get new windows for your home.

This calculator works using pricing data sourced directly from UK windows manufacturers. Prices are subject to fluctuations, however, so please use the results as a guide and contact suppliers for an exact price for your property.

Katharine Allison

Energy Saving Writer

As Independent Advisor’s energy saving expert, Katharine, a keen advocate for sustainability, is an authority on solar panels, double glazing, and cutting-edge renewable energy technologies. Her dedication merges with a commitment to enlighten and steer readers toward embracing eco-friendly solutions and the latest trends in sustainability.

With over 10 years of experience, she has worked with some of the UK’s leading companies and publications, including the Federation of Master Builders, Architectural Digest, and Denon Construction. 

Katharine is particularly passionate about consumer causes and animal welfare and has art, philosophy, and psychology degrees. She lives with her sled dogs in East Sussex.

Molly Dyson

Senior Editor

After growing up with a passion for writing, Molly studied journalism and creative writing at university in her home country of the United States.

She has written for a variety of print and online publications, from small town newspapers to international magazines. Most of her 10-year career since relocating to the UK has been spent in business journalism, writing and editing for admin professionals at PA Life magazine and business travel managers at Business Travel News Europe and representing those titles at conferences around the world.

Now an Editor at the Independent Advisor, Molly is an expert in a broad range of consumer topics, that include solar panels and renewables, home improvements and home insurance, and consumer technology such as home security and VPNs.

In her free time, Molly can usually be found exploring the outdoors with her husband and their young son or gardening.