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Black uPVC windows: Are they right for your home?

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Black unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) windows are a contemporary choice for new or replacement windows. Providing the look of sleek aluminium, without the higher cost, this type of window has been growing in popularity, especially as homeowners remodel their abodes to bring dated properties in line with modern tastes. 

Find out what to look for when buying black uPVC windows, how to find a good deal and if this style choice will add value to your home.

Black uPVC windows explained

Black uPVC windows give homeowners a bold design option that can dramatically alter the aesthetic of any style of property. Having grown in popularity in the UK in recent years, black uPVC windows add a stylish appearance to a variety of different homes, including flats, modern extensions, house renovations and new builds. Black uPVC is used to create a range of different types of window to give the modern effect of black aluminium windows, without the increased costs that are usually associated with this material.

A key requirement for homeowners considering black uPVC windows is energy efficiency. uPVC windows, with double glazing or triple glazing, can help to reduce heat transfer and minimise drafts, meaning that homeowners can benefit from an average annual energy saving of up to £150, when compared with a home with single glazed wooden framed windows.

Black uPVC windows offer design and energy efficiency benefits, in addition to being one of the most reasonably priced window options available, often costing much less than aluminium, timber or composite window frame equivalents.

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Black uPVC windows styles

Black uPVC windows offer a more modern aesthetic when compared with traditional white uPVC windows. For this reason, black uPVC windows are a popular choice for owners of modern properties or homeowners who are in the process of remodelling their homes to create a more modern appearance. The addition of black uPVC windows is considered to be a stylish and sophisticated addition to most home styles, creating a contemporary aesthetic on the exterior of a building. 

Black uPVC windows are thought to have a similar appearance to aluminium windows, while retaining the benefits of being uPVC, including being lower in cost and offering reduced heat transfer, reduced condensation and reduced external noise.

Black uPVC windows are widely available in a range of window style options. We’ve listed the most popular black uPVC window styles below:

Black uPVC windows look great alongside equally contemporary interior and exterior styles. (Adobe)

Black uPVC windows cost

Before we look at the costs of uPVC windows in black, it is important to mention that a balance of expense and quality should be considered when researching the costs of adding new windows to your home. Typically, black uPVC windows that are good quality, are manufactured by a reputable company, and are installed by a trusted fitter, therefore will be higher in cost upfront. It is recommended that long term cost factors such as maintenance, durability, energy efficiency and warranties are also considered, as high quality and well installed windows will result in lower long-term cost implications.

In the UK, the cost of a black uPVC window can range from £250 to £1,100, but can increase above this amount. The cost of a black uPVC window will largely depend on the window style chosen, the style of the window and the glass and hardware options. Usually, higher prices will be triggered by window size, more intricate window styles and higher-quality hardware options. On average the cost of a black uPVC window is £400 – £800, including installation. 

The number of windows required will impact the cost of adding black uPVC windows, as larger properties will normally require more windows to be supplied and installed, increasing the overall cost.

Location is another factor to consider. Areas with higher costs of living, such as London and the South East, will pay more of a premium for supply and installation. Also, the durability of black uPVC windows in more exposed areas might be of concern regarding prices. UV degradation to the vibrancy of colour and salt and wind exposure will affect the longevity of the frames and mechanisms. Location may also be a consideration in areas where specific rules need to be adhered to, impacting the window style chosen. This is often the case with listed properties or for properties located in conservation areas.

Another cost variation will be the window manufacturer and supplier chosen. It is important to get several quotes for black uPVC windows from local double glazing companies to get the best value in terms of window quality, expert installation and price. It is always recommended to only get costings from reputable companies and it is good to consider what warranties and guarantees are offered, this ensures that you have protection should the window or the installation not be of the quality or durability you would have hoped for.

Black uPVC windows tend to be a lower cost window option when compared with other window frame materials such as aluminium, timber or composite windows. In addition to this, they are durable and require little maintenance when installed correctly, which makes them an ideal choice for homeowners looking for a modern, sophisticated and cost-effective window option.

Black uPVC windows pros and cons

The main advantages of black uPVC windows are widely considered to be their modern appearance, durability, energy efficiency, versatility and cost. The disadvantages of black uPVC windows can include their frame size, potential discolouration and more limited design and colour options, when compared with other materials available.

Black uPVC windows are renowned for their sophisticated appearance and are often chosen by homeowners to gain the contemporary aesthetic of aluminium framed windows but at a more reasonable price. In addition to this, replacing old single-glazed window units with black uPVC windows can have many practical benefits for homeowners, including that they help to reduce energy usage and reduce heating bills as they are thermally efficient, preventing drafts and heat loss through windows. Black uPVC windows are durable and require minimal maintenance, making them an ideal choice for a lot of homeowners.

It is worth also considering the disadvantages of black uPVC windows when deciding if this window type is right for you. While black uPVC windows are sometimes used to replicate aluminium frames, uPVC frames are not as strong as aluminium frames and therefore a larger window profile is required for a uPVC window, creating a bulkier appearance. It is important to be mindful of the possibility of the black colour fading over time, too. This is particularly relevant if the window gets a lot of UV exposure, though it should be noted that remedial work can restore the appearance of a faded black uPVC window if and when required. Most suppliers offer a black colour as standard, but for specific hues (normally RAL colour-match) there may be a cost implication.

Replicating the look of aluminium, black UPVC windows can create a crisp and neat finish to a home. (Adobe)

What to look for in a black uPVC windows quote

There are a few key factors to consider when getting a quote for black uPVC windows, these are:

  • Individual requirements
  • Cost of supply and installation
  • The reputation of the company
  • Warranties and guarantees offered

Individual requirements will heavily influence the quotations received for black uPVC windows. Researching style, security and hardware options for black uPVC windows beforehand will help to ensure the quotes you receive are in line with your needs.

Costs of supply and installation will vary from company to company; therefore, it is recommended that at least three quotes are obtained from local and nationwide companies to ensure that you are getting the best value for money when buying windows.

While cost is a key factor, the reputation of the company supplying and installing your black uPVC window is crucial, it is advised that you only obtain quotes from trusted and reputable companies.

It is important to consider the warranties and guarantees offered by the manufacturers and suppliers of black uPVC windows as these will protect you in the long run should the windows or fitting fall short of your expectations.

Frequently asked questions about black uPVC windows

Black uPVC windows are not typically more expensive than other types of materials used for window frames, such as aluminium, timber or composite windows. Aluminium and timber window frame options tend to be the more expensive, with composite windows generally being in a mid-price range and black uPVC windows being at the lower end of the pricing scale. While black uPVC is slightly more expensive than the standard white, the colour is in demand at the moment, so the price likely won’t be as high as you think.

Black uPVC windows offer a great cost saving option for homeowners wanting to achieve the aesthetic of aluminium windows, as aluminium windows are popular in darker colours such as black or grey, black uPVC windows mimic the appearance of aluminium framed windows while often being a much lower cost option.

It is advisable to obtain quotes for black uPVC windows from a few local window companies who specialise in uPVC window supply and fitting, these companies will be able to provide accurate quotes taking into consideration the desired aesthetic appearance, the number of windows required, the sizes of the windows, the preferred style of window and any other individual requirements for glazing, design, security, and hardware options. Window grants are another way to save money but you have to meet a certain criteria to qualify.

Although black uPVC windows are generally strong and durable, if they are installed in a location that is unprotected from adverse weather conditions or are exposed to a large amount of UV rays over time, it is possible that black uPVC windows may fade in time. Though any fading to black uPVC windows will not impact their performance or durability, this may affect their aesthetic appeal. 

Companies who specialise in spray painting uPVC windows have grown in popularity in recent years, with new paint and wrapping technologies available for treating uPVC windows. Black uPVC windows can be easily updated, should they begin to fade, to renew the colour without requiring replacement windows.

When assessing if black uPVC windows will add value to your home, it is important to consider budget, long term savings and the potential for increasing your property’s value. 

Black uPVC windows can add value to a home for a number of reasons, including increasing the appeal of your home, reducing energy consumption and costs, making your home more efficient (if upgrading from single glazing to double), making your home more comfortable and reducing the effects of noise pollution. Black uPVC windows are often installed to achieve a more modern aesthetic and will appeal to homebuyers interested in properties that are modern in appearance.

Black uPVC windows can reduce energy consumption and costs as they offer improved window insulation compared with other materials, such as aluminium. This improved insulation reduces energy bills over time, as there is less heat loss during the colder months. In addition to this, uPVC windows reduce heat entering a property during the summer, maintaining more comfortable indoor temperatures. A home with black uPVC windows installed will benefit from being more sustainable and environmentally friendly compared with less-insulating materials and more natural resource-heavy windows such as wood. With households having an increasing focus on their carbon footprint, uPVC windows will reduce overall carbon emissions.

The comfort of your home can be improved with the addition of uPVC windows, eliminating drafts, and reducing cold areas near windows, making your home more comfortable during the winter. The comfort offered by double glazing is further increased by the fact that external noise pollution will be reduced, making a more peaceful environment, particularly in built up urban areas or near busy roads.

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This calculator works using pricing data sourced directly from UK windows manufacturers. Prices are subject to fluctuations, however, so please use the results as a guide and contact suppliers for an exact price for your property.

Liz is a distinguished author and a leading voice in the realm of home improvements. With an unwavering dedication to sustainable living, she brings a wealth of expertise as a home improvements connoisseur, specialising in energy-efficient enhancements.

With a particular emphasis on reducing energy consumption, Liz’s passion shines through in her advocacy for upgrades like double glazing windows. 

Through her insightful writing, Liz empowers homeowners to embrace greener lifestyles without compromising on comfort or style. Her articles, guides, and expert opinions provide practical, step-by-step advice for those eager to make a positive environmental impact. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a homeowner seeking to curate a more sustainable space, Liz offers a wealth of knowledge to inspire and guide your home improvement journey.

Amy Reeves


Amy is a seasoned writer and editor with a special interest in home design, sustainable technology and green building methods.

She has interviewed hundreds of self-builders, extenders and renovators about their journeys towards individual, well-considered homes, as well as architects and industry experts during her five years working as Assistant Editor at Homebuilding & Renovating, part of Future plc.

Amy’s work covers topics ranging from home, interior and garden design to DIY step-by-steps, planning permission and build costs, and has been published in Period Living, Real Homes, and 25 Beautiful Homes, Homes and Gardens.

Now an Editor at the Independent Advisor, Amy manages homes-related content for the site, including solar panels, combi boilers, and windows.

Her passion for saving tired and inefficient homes also extends to her own life; Amy completed a renovation of a mid-century house in 2022 and is about to embark on an energy-efficient overhaul of a 1800s cottage in Somerset.